LoadProof Has Now Been Recognized in The Financial Times Supply Chain Trends Case Study
We were featured as an Outstanding company that is driving new trends in the supply chains.
Kenco and Smart Gladiator
Retailers can make up to 10 per cent of their income from charging manufacturers for goods damaged in transit, a percentage that is increasing as compliance rules expand. To protect their manufacturing clients, Kenco, a logistics company, developed LoadProof in 2017. LoadProof is an app that uploads images, times, dates and shipment details at every stage of the supply chain, making it possible to detect where merchandise was damaged. Kenco worked with technology company Smart Gladiator to protect its customers from the financial penalties charged by retailers. In one instance, it reduced a single client’s retail customer complaints by 95 per cent.
Read the complete article here: https://www.ft.com/content/2b565c54-d08b-11e8-9a3c-5d5eac8f1ab4
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