LoadProof Video Testimonial – John Delasso, Fusion Transport

You know, I just want to you know, um, ask about Load Proof, you know, if you could please start with an introduction, you know, about your business and you know, what were some of the challenges, you know, things like that. Yeah, we’ll start there. Yeah, sure. Sure, so um, you know, again work for Fusion Transport, um sister company for Global Transportation, um Palton Palutel company primarily pallet storage consolidation. Um, so we do store uh pallets for customers uh for warehousing side and then we also do consolidation for free move loads for customers as well.

Um, we may, we may move just loads, we may store just warehouse and we may do both for them. We are using Load Proof, um, for taking pictures for any outbound trailers that are loaded whether it’s one pallet or a hundred pallets, LTL or FTL. Um, anything that leaves our building we are taking pictures of. Um, so far we’ve been very happy with the service. Yep, a couple of little corks here and there we can go into that a little bit yeah but, um, you know we’ve been very happy with the, uh, with the quality so far. Yep.

Um, we are using it uh primarily right now for, uh, two different reasons. One, um, in reference to any claims that may come against any quality of loads. Um, uh, that that you know, that kind of stuff or, uh, the second reason we’re using it is for, uh, quality assurance to ensure all pallets are loaded on the trailer, i.e., we’re supposed to have 20 pallets loaded on a trailer. Uh, we take 21 pictures for that load. Yep. We have someone in our building auditing to make sure quality pictures are good before the load leaves making sure we have 21 total pictures.

The last picture being a picture of the whole trailer and then 20 individual pictures one for each pallet. Correct. Okay, great great. So, so great so what were you know some of the challenges before, right? And and what happened, you know, why did you guys decide to go with Load Proof and you know, um, how did that solve the challenge, you know, how did that solve the problem? If you could please talk about that. Absolutely, so two, uh, you know, two of the biggest challenges is that we that we dealt with at this company and it’s an industry, um, industry normal problem is, uh, claims.

So you know, hey you know you guys shipped this pallet to us, um, you only shipped us one of two. Well no, here’s the picture two pallets loaded in the trailer. Oh okay, um I see thank you and that claim completely goes away. Okay, um, without that picture, we have no proof that we put both pallets on the trailer. Um, you may have a hey, you know, you were supposed to send us um this pallet with four boxes on it. Yep. Well look at the picture you’ll see the four boxes on it you oh you only sent us three boxes? Nope, if you look at the picture there’s four on there.

So we have already been able to, I don’t want to say battle but we’ve been already to, uh, justify and put down multiple claims in the last two to three months just, uh, you know, based off solely the Load Proof pictures. Great fantastic, so that’s the first problem where the entire pallet goes missing so now we are able to, you know, have a compelling proof saying that hey, you know what we shipped all the pallets with the photos of the x of y label on the pallet, right? So what was the second challenge that you mentioned?

Yeah, the second challenge is load accuracy. So, you know, you’ve got a warehouse that’s got a load manifest or a BOL to load 50 pallets, they load 49. Um, you know the the the loader gets into the zone, he’s not paying attention or she’s not paying attention, and they load, you know, they think they load all 50 they leave a pallet behind in the warehouse. Load gets all the way to the customer and they go hey got 49. Yeah now we have to ship one pallet via LTL or on their next week’s schedule delivery run, say it’s to like a Walmart DC.

Um, you know, if it’s a Walmart you’re getting fined, yeah if it’s an individual customer, you know, it’s gonna cost you money because now they’re going to say well you’re shipping that on your dime job, that’s not our fault. Um, so multiple times you know we have um, you know someone in the office, our shipping office that will review the Load Proof picture account and they’ll say hey you’ve got 20 pictures here, you’ve got 20 pallets you’re supposed to have 21 pictures, what’s going on? So they’ll quickly look through things, maybe they’ll try to walk through the trailer or they’ll walk through the outbound lane.

They’ll go oh hey I forgot a pallet, thank you and they’ll load that pallet on the trailer and now we’re 20th one. Great, so so with the Load Proof you’re able to the people are more, you know, paying attention more, you know, verifying double-checking so there I mean is it fair to say that the quality of the load that you ship has improved? Yes. Okay great. Okay great, um so so you know how is the, you know, Load Proof implementation experience has been right? I mean was it easy to turn on, you know, how, uh, you know, uh, two things right?

One is you know turning on a system that’s one thing that’s always, you know, uh, technical challenge and then also how has been the, you know, change management, right? I mean, you know, people are doing their job one way all along and then suddenly right, you guys had a new process, new system hey now I got to do this one step extra. So if you could please talk through both, you know, the first one from an implementation technical rollout perspective and second one from a people adoption change management acceptance perspective.

I got you, so um from a rollout, um, I’ve rolled this out. Um, so actually when this first started I was general manager for our Piscataway New Jersey location, right? Um, in the last few months I’ve recently been promoted I am now director of all warehouses. Awesome, fantastic congratulations I mean I hope Load Proof you know helped you in some way or another I mean I know that’s great. Yeah, it has, so while I was the GM I helped all four locations kind of launch it okay some locations launched it well or better than others.

It’s it’s it’s a complaint that can be fixed. Um well it’s a complaint that it wouldn’t it wouldn’t be around if I paid I guess for the scanning part. Okay um we don’t have the option to use our flash to scan uh barcodes because we’re only using this singularity right now as taking pictures storing the pictures for load quality and that’s it. Um but the trailers are dark so not all of my locations have dock lights or the best working dock lights so when they’re in the trailers um they’re having to use forklift lights to illuminate the trailer.

Because we don’t have the scanning part turned on you can’t use the flash. I’ve spoken to a couple of people I’m trying to you know like hey you know I promise with the cherry on top. I think some sort of line or some sort of there’s some sort of [Music] the flash will turn up you know I I think I think the flash should be able to be used with the package to be a gold package yeah um I think there’s I think I think there should be some sort of code written that doesn’t allow you to scan but allows you to use the flash. But I’ll be honest with you for the last three four months we’ve been able to get along without the flash okay so it’s kind of water but it’s water under the bridge at this point.

Okay great so so you know we’ll we’ll you know I want to understand that problem better I mean are you saying um you know we’ll we’ll talk about that later I’ll I’ll email you and if you could give me some details and we’ll we’ll run some tests as well because we are supporting all that and the flash automatically comes on in the android tablets that we deploy. And what are the what are the devices I mean normally right in the warehouse this was another question that occurred to me um in the warehouse normally the people are not allowed to use their personal phones right uh you know how are you guys doing that are they allowed to use their personal phones in your facilities?

No so you know unless they’re you know checking you know unless they’re checking a time or you know they got an emergency phone call typically uh they have to step off of the you know the piece of pit equipment they’re using or step off the warehouse floor to use a phone. Got it so it’s a corporate phone right that’s what that’s what they are I mean so we purchased between 10 and 20 corporate phones per building had the apps downloaded on it. We didn’t want the phone we didn’t want the apps going on uh personal phones.

Okay great so you have dedicated devices for this purpose in your facility um you know correct and not use yeah exactly same thing I mean we recommend tablets because tablets have the you know you can do uh one important rule right I mean you know we talked about this before um you know when you’re deploying systems in the bad house you want to keep the travel time as minimum as possible so that’s why our recommendation is to go with tablets so you can take photos and you can right away log on to the browser and then do everything sharing double checking and all that but either way that’s fine you know if this works for you you guys you know that’s great.

So so that’s great um so I mean do you have any suggestions for improvement in terms of you know what we can do better or even add more value to you guys through load proof any any thoughts um on that side? No absolutely not I think you’ve got a platform that’s that’s seamless everything’s going good I have done demonstrations with customers okay both projected customers new project new new uh new projected customers and current customers and just kind of filling them in on you know when I call them up when we have a you know an issue where a pallet might have been left behind and I say no you know per my load proof pictures you know these four pallets were loaded on the trailer and they go what’s load proof and I show them the platform and they go wow john this is awesome.

I said of course it is I said this is this is ensuring load accuracy load quality so my customers are loving it um first time they have any questions they go hey can you send me some of that load picture thingy you got that’s the first thing they tell me I go of course I’ll get you some pictures so you know I you know maybe down the road would it be nice to be able to give out uh customer login credentials that they could specifically uh log in and and and check things. I also like having some um um you know I guess I don’t want to say power but some of that discretion on my end of what they see in cancer for right now the platform is doing exactly what frank my owner and jay han my boss exactly what the three of us intended for us to be able to use it working working seamlessly.

Great I mean you guys can do that today you can set up a user id and and give it to them and they can log in and see but once you give access to a site they can see pretty much everything I think what we could potentially do is we could give you guys some kind of a filter that you can set up so this user can see only this you know something like that. Yeah so what we need to do is set up a filter we would put up so in your search box we use l numbers load numbers yeah where we would say okay um walmart you want to look at loads uh l one two three four mode five six seven eight yeah where we could put them drag them over into their folder yep and should they have any questions they could log in on their what they only think they would be able to see is that folder.

Yeah and then they could right now if I give them access if I give them access to say new jersey they can see walmart kmart toys r us anyone that that has that anyone that we take pictures for they’d see everyone’s pictures and there there could be some uh privacy issues. Yep got it got it fantastic I think there’s a great idea we’ll we’ll implement it uh you know we’ll put it on our list definitely and implement it as quickly as possible I think there’s a great idea providing that some kind of a filter to them so they can see only what makes sense and what is relevant for them. Yeah yeah I think that’s a great idea fantastic I mean great great I think that’s a great feedback um I mean you know we are all years uh you know any any feedback that you guys have and if you think of something hey you know um this is just occurred to me you know see if you can implement it or something we’ll be happy to you know take a look at it just shoot us an email.

Yeah I know yeah you know you know the the the gentleman um I don’t believe you were one of the first two gentlemen that initially did our setup um but the two gentlemen that launched us they were they were amazing um and I can when you send me an email I’ll respond back and let you know which gentleman in particular um really gave us that tlc. Okay it was one gentleman I mean we were going back and forth I was running when we were first launching the first building yeah I was going hey why is it this why isn’t the flash working well how do you do this and he’s like oh john this john that I mean he was responsive yeah I will get you his name okay great guy great fantastic thank you for the feedback I mean we love.

It’s probably it’s probably been two months almost three months since I’ve had to reach out to him because your platform once you understand it and you know how to use it yeah it drive it’s like a tesla car it drives itself I mean you don’t got to do anything it’s it’s pretty straightforward and we’ve kept it simple you know because because right the last thing we want to do is spend hours to get the data that you’re looking for everything should be within seconds yeah. I mean great I mean so would you recommend you know someone like yourself that’s sitting on the fence and thinking hey you know should I buy this load proof or not for my facility no would you recommend them uh you know load proof.

Well I’ve already recommended you so we have one of our customers one of their manufacturers yeah they go hey john what’s that system you use because we need one of our manufacturers to start taking pictures when they so we have a customer that their manufacturer sends us loads we get the loads I take the pictures and I say hey what’s you know your manufacturer is doing x y and z and they go you know what we need what you got so you know I’ve given them some information I know they’re in the middle of some upper management changes so they’re they’re in the middle of figuring out okay what are they going to do next steps but yeah no I would definitely recommend this to uh you know a colleague or anyone on the fence.

Perfect perfect I mean you know that’s all I had john I mean thank you very much for taking the time to share this feedback you know this is immensely immensely valuable and of course right if you guys think of anything else uh you know please you know reach out to us and we’ll be happy to incorporate in the product and at the end of the day right we want to make you guys successful with this tool yeah. I appreciate it no thank you and look forward to getting an email like I said I’ll let you know the gentleman’s name that helped us out at the beginning okay. Okay perfect perfect thank you thank you have a nice rest of the day.

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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