LoadProof Video Testimonial – Joenell Johnson

Joenell thank you very much for taking the time to join this call and sharing your experience with load proof. The analogy that I would like to use is that we build race cars, and we don’t get to race them; you guys race them. It’s always exciting for me, as a product developer and designer, and for my team to learn about the end users like yourself. Your role is unique because you are a customer support representative, talking to customers and dealing with their questions and complaints. If you could please introduce yourself, talk about your role, and then your company—what you guys do—we can get started.

My name is Janelle Johnson. I work for Sun Logistics. I ship out export and domestic orders for Salve Distribution Company. I noticed that load proof works very well for us when we get complaints from customers or from the export vessel saying that placers were not applied to a container. We are able to go back and look at those pictures to see that placers were applied and also send the pictures to let them know we did apply the placers. We also get complaints that a customer received damaged material; again, we can look at load proof and see that the material was loaded onto a container or trailer in good condition. This helps us let them know that it must have been damaged in transit.

Load proof has helped us several times when we thought we had to pay for freight being damaged or not received. Also, when customers say they didn’t receive material, we have pictures on load proof showing that the material was loaded with a certain customer, like Southeastern or AA Cooper, or even just to the port, proving it was on the container. So typically, what issues do you guys deal with? Is it damaged material?

Yes, most complaints are about damaged material. We can pull those pictures to show that the material was not damaged when leaving our warehouse. Some complaints are about placers not applied to containers that need to be on a vessel. That has helped us, too. Before we had load proof, we had to take the fall for material because we didn’t have proof it wasn’t damaged before the customer received it. We knew we weren’t shipping damaged material, but we didn’t have documentation.

When we didn’t have load proof, we would get a complaint from the customer, and Sal would send us the complaint. First, we would look at our documentation to ensure we had the material for that order. If it was there, we would check how much we sent and go back and forth about whether the material was good or damaged. This took time; how long did you spend figuring this out?

Sometimes it would take an hour or longer because we would have back-and-forth emails or phone calls. It could take over hours to settle the complaint. Sometimes we had to ship the customer more material, and we would use our own cell phones to take pictures of this material going back to that customer to prove we shipped good material until we discovered load proof.

So, when customers complained, you sometimes shipped extra material because you couldn’t resolve the issue otherwise? No, we wouldn’t give them extra material if possible. We would have it shipped back to us, and we would have to pay for that. Then we would reship another order. How painful was that?

If it was urgent, we sometimes had to send air shipments, which are costly, so we tried to avoid that. We wanted to give the customer what they needed to avoid shutting down their service. With load proof, the process has improved. Now, we can pull up pictures with the delivery of the shipment number, download them, and send them to the customer within a day—in just a few minutes.

So you are solving problems right away now instead of spending hours troubleshooting and sending emails back and forth? Yes, we’re not going back and forth. If we send more material, it’s on the customer to pursue the carrier that damaged the product. What are some key benefits of load proof for you as a customer support representative?

Initially, without load proof, we had to go through orders to verify what we sent. With load proof, we take pictures of documents, so it’s much quicker to do research, helping our company correct many discrepancies in customer complaints. This has improved our customer relationships and costs, as we can confidently show that we shipped what we were supposed to in good condition. Additionally, my warehouse team saves time by not having to pull orders for customers who received their shipments, allowing them to focus on other tasks.

Um, I think we have a fourth one just. Okay, everything is just low proof because we use low proof for every order. Okay, nice, nice, nice. Okay, great on our air shipments. Okay, even on the air shipments. Okay, great, great. Um, so you know, I’m just high level, right? Just high level, you know. Um, I know it’s very, very difficult to quantify the savings approximately how much time and how many dollars that you guys save. Uh, you know, approximately just very, very high level, you know, would you be able to quantify that to some degree please?

Could you replate that? I lost you. Yeah, yeah, I just want to, I just want to, you know, see if I can put some number around hey, you know, what per week or per day, you know, with low proof we save, you know, like a couple of hours, right? So would it be possible before low proof versus after low proof how many hours you guys are saving? And right, you don’t have to know, you mentioned three benefits, right? You know, you’re right away, you know, showing that proof, you know, second, the customer relationship has improved significantly, third, you don’t have to go and pull the order again and then, you know, show to the customers, right?

So how much, you know, how many hours and how many, um, you know, dollars and how many all the other extra things that you don’t have to do now? Right now with low proof, all you have to do is pull the photos and show it to them, correct? So, you know, how much time that has saved for you guys? It has saved hours, hours. Okay, and um, and I don’t know but it seems like we get less complaints now that people know customers know we do have low proof and we can document that this was sent not damaged, right?

Documents was on the container clackers. Yep, so it saves a lot of time when we’re not getting as many complaints. Great, great, great, great, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. So people realize, hey, you know what, if I go and give them a complaint, they’re going to, you know, respond with the photos because they’ve done a good job and they’re not only doing a good job but they’re also documenting that proof, you know? So that’s, that’s nice to have that now, right?

You’re not in that spot all the time. It’s like, oh my God, you know, what happened? You know, now I got to go, sometimes you’ll get complaints from the same customer and you know, like this is the same customer all the time. So by having these low proof, you’re not getting no complaints from that customer you was getting normally. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, all right. I mean, and, and you know, um, so if, if, right, if someone like yourself, right, some other, I know, um, customer support representative like yourself, um, that is having, you know, similar challenges, um, you know, would you recommend low proof to that person?

Absolutely, 100% I would. Yeah, it saves the company time and money. Okay, okay, all right. I mean, that’s all, that’s all the questions I had. You know, do you have any questions for me or anything like that? No, just tell you I do appreciate L Pro. Okay, life is so much better now, right? That’s what we want to see, right? At the end of the day, you’re smiling, right? That is the most important thing, you know, your life is better with the tool, you know, um, low proof tool.

So we also have, you know, something called, you know, I just wanted to let you know we’ll be happy to give it to you for free. Uh, you know, basically, um, you know, you are today, you have the ability to, uh, look at your photos only through the browser, right? You can go into the, go to your computer, so now you can do that even through your mobile device. Oh, okay, yeah. So you can just, you know, install an app and then through that, what, what device you have, what is the smartphone you have?

I have iPhone. Okay, so in that iPhone, you can install this app and then you can log in with your user ID and password like how you would log to the browser and then you can, you know, look at the photos. So essentially, right, you’re walking somewhere, you’re talking, you know, to another colleague, you know, you don’t have to come back to your computer and then, you know, share the information, you can just share it right from, you know, where you are from your using your mobile device, right?

Yeah, I noticed that a lot of the loaders they use their cell phone load the pictures and then come back and load it into low proof uploaded their stuff from their cell phone. Okay, okay, nice, nice. Yeah, they, yeah, they can do that. Yeah, I know, so that’s something that we’ll be happy to give you and you guys can play with it, use it and then give us feedback. So, so is there anything else that we can do better or anything else that we can do for you guys to make your life better, you know, than what you have right now with low proof?

What is that, what else, you know, anything else that we can do for you guys? No, not that I can think of because it’s easy to find whatever you’re looking for on your low proof because you have your numbers to go the search bar and it usually just pulls them up. Okay, okay, okay, all right, all right. I mean, you know, uh, if you think of anything else, right, later, hey, you know, Puga, I thought of this, you know, can you do this for me in low proof, please let us know, right?

Please let us know and we are all ears and we are, you know, um, you know, we’ll be happy to add any other capabilities that would benefit you guys, right? Okay, okay, yeah. Thank you, thank you very much for your time, Journal. I mean, this means a lot to us, right? This is what at the end of the day, this is what we, you know, work very hard for, right, to, to, yeah, yeah, to see you guys smile at the end of the day.

All right, thank you, thank you very much for your time. Thank you. You’re welcome. Thank you. Bye bye.

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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