LoadProof Video Testimonial – Graig Glenn, Sunland Logistics Solutions

“Okay, uh Greg, you know thank you very much for taking the time to join this call. Right? I mean, you know, we this is the analogy that I like while talking to end users like yourself. You know, we build race cars, right? But we don’t get to race them. You guys race them, so I’m always, you know, curious about, hey, are we doing a good job, right? I’m, you know, I want to know how well it’s working for you guys, and that’s what, you know, I get excited about. Uh, so we can get started. If you could please introduce yourself, you know, your role, your day-to-day responsibilities, activities you do. You know, we can start with that, and then if you could please, you know, introduce your organization, you know, we can start there.

Yeah, okay. So, um, my name is Greg Glenn. I’m operations manager here at Sunland Logistics. Uh, we are a 3PL company, um, with sites all over the U.S. Um, so, uh, as far as you know, the load proof, you know, we always hear the uh customers get their product and, hey, I miss something, or something’s damaged, or, you know, whatever it is. Um, so we’ve had, we were introduced to load proof. It’s about, we’ve had it almost two years now. Nice, nice, okay. Um, so, and it has saved us numerous times. Um, again, you know, we get, we get, uh, our customer calls us telling us because, you know, like I said, we’re 3PL, so we ship to our customers’ customers, and, uh, we get, you know, calls or emails, and hey, this, the customer got their order and they’re missing a pallet or they’re missing a box. Yep.

Um, we pull up that order, we send it to our customers, say, hey, here’s it loaded on the trailer. Y, and the way that we do it, we take a picture of every row. Yep. So we put two pallets side by side, we take a picture, two more pallets side by side throughout the whole truck, so we capture every row. Um, and we, we were able to send those pictures back and say, hey, here it is on the truck when it’s left. Y, so that’s not our issue once it leaves here. Y, so, but it has been very beneficial for us. Great, great, fantastic. So what was that, you know, problem you are trying to solve? Is it like some kind of a freight claim issue, or is it some kind of a retailer chargeback issue? Is it some kind of a, um, I understand the overarching goal is that, you know, to prove that, hey, we did our job right, right?

As a 3PL, you know that. Yeah, so yeah, it’s um, basically a claims process. You know, they, our customers file a claim against us and, you know, in the past, yeah, we would eat those, um, like, okay, you know, it, we said it shipped, we can’t prove it shipped, the customer didn’t get it as all we know, the claim comes back on us. Yeah, um, so that, that, you know, those charges mount up, yeah, over time. So, um, and again, it’s really saved us numerous times in the last couple years. Got it. So is that claim for the damages or shortages over bries? You know, what are those claims? Broken, yeah, pretty much everything. If they say, hey, this was damaged, um, you know, this product was damaged when it, uh, when it arrived, um, the LTL carriers, you know, they, it was damaged when we got it.

Yeah, um, what they say, so um, we pull up those pictures and say, hey, here it is on the truck, you know, it left here in good shape. Yeah, so, uh, they’re able to push those claims back onto the carriers. Joh C it C it. And, and, you know, how did you hear about, you know, load proof? You know, how did you guys, you know, hear about load proof? I do not know that that would come above me. It was our, uh, so my, our, uh, district manager had actually come through, and I think he’s actually got an invite to, to speak as well. But, um, he’s over sites in Charleston as well as South Carolina.

Okay, and he’s implemented load proof in all of his sites. Um, and he brought it on to us. Um, and I want to say there was another one of our other sites had it, and he got it from somewhere. So got it. He implemented it here, and you know, we love it. So, okay, great. And, and you know, what was the situation like before? Right? I mean, you know, you know, what was it, how painful was it when someone files a claim or when someone reports a problem and you guys are in the 3P business? And how did load proof change? How was it before and how was it after? You know, if you could please talk about, no, you know, all the pains you guys had, all the challenges you guys had, and how much time you would spend on, you know, collecting and, you know, having meetings and talking to, you know, your team and, you know, all that, you know, and how did that change after load proof is implemented?

Yeah, so um, previously what would happen, you know, we would get a claim, and you know, we’d have to put a team together and, you know, research it and try to see what happened, you know, what was a pallet left off or was product damaged, um, and you know, we put our heads together and we would do a c, you know, on how to correct the actions, um, how to prevent it from happening in the future. Yeah, so again, like you mentioned, time was spent in meetings. Yeah, uh, you know, that’s taking people off the floor. Yeah, um, our team and, you know, getting together in a room to sit and talk. Yeah, and we implemented load proof, so now it’s basically, hey, we get an email, here’s a claim.

Yeah, um, I pull up that picture, and I’m like, okay, we don’t have to do nothing else. I send that picture back to the customer, say, hey, here it is, okay? So it’s cut down on a lot of time, and it’s cut down on money, and it’s, you know, they, they ask us, hey, do you have pictures of this? This is what they’re telling us, correct now? So they’re, they’re very pleased with it also. Okay, and what does that team look like? Right? I mean, you know, how would you, you know, what is that team? We would have, we would have our site manager, myself, an operations manager, probably a supervisor, and a few team members off the floor, forklift operator loaders. Um, you know, taking them off the floor, you know, just a try to get a team from everybody, the CSRs.

Yeah, we would have tried to get one of each in those meetings to sit and talk on what we can do to make it better to prevent it. Yeah, yeah, and that would happen for every single claim that you guys get. It depended on, uh, it depended on the type of claim, you know, if it was, you know, something minor. You know, it depended on how much, you know, how big it was. If it’s a whole pallet, then yeah, every time. Yeah, you know, saying they didn’t get to receive a pallet. You know, a lot of times a pallet gets lost. Yeah, once it leaves here, especially LTL carriers, they unload them somewhere, and they get mixed in with something else.

Yeah, so, but yeah, they would, it was time from Sing. Got it. So now, now what happens? I mean, you know, now with load proof, you know, you guys log into the load proof portal, you go and find the picture, and then you’re, you’re sharing that picture, or you are just, you know, telling them that we got it? You know, are you’re emailing them the photos? You know, what is the process? Oh yeah, yeah, I, I’ll, uh, I’ll send them the pictures of the load proof pictures. I’m say, and I sent them, you know, everything throughout the whole thing. You know, the paperwork, every picture that we’ve got, um, I say, here, here’s our, here’s our pictures.

Uh, once it was loaded, um, that we don’t know what happened after that, but this is what it looked like when it left our facility.”

“Okay uh Greg you know thank you very much for taking the time to join this call right I mean you know U you know we this is this is the analogy that I like you while talking to you know end users like yourself you know we build race cars right but we don’t get to race them you guys race them so I’m always you know curious about hey are we doing a good job right I’m I’m you know I want to know how well it’s working for you guys and that’s what that’s what you know I get excited about.

Uh so we can get started if you could please introduce yourself you know your role your day-to-day responsibilities activities you do you know we can start with that and then if you could please you know introduce your organization you know we can start there.

Yeah okay so um my name is Greg Glenn I’m operations manager here at Sunland Logistics uh we are a 3PL uh company y um with sites all over the US. Um so uh as far as you know the load proof you know we you always hear the uh customers get their product and hey I miss something or something’s damaged or you know whatever it is.

Um so we’ve had we’ve got we were introduced to load proof it’s about we’ve had it almost two years now nice nice okay um so and it has saved us numerous times. Um again you know we get we get uh our customer calls us telling us because you know like I said we’re 3PL so we ship to our customers’ customer and uh we get you know calls or emails and hey this the customer got their order and they’re missing a pallet or they’re missing a box.

Yep um we pull up that order we send it to our customers say hey here’s here’s it loaded on the trailer y and the way that we do it we take a picture of every road yep so we put two pallets side by side we take a picture two more pallets side by side throughout the whole truck so we capture every row.

Um and we we were able to send those pictures back and say hey here it is on the truck when it’s left y so that’s not our issue once it leaves here y so but it has been very beneficial for us great great fantastic.

So what was that you know problem you are trying to solve is it like some kind of a freight claim issue or is it some kind of a retailer chargeback issue is it some kind of a um I understand the overarching goal is that you know to prove that hey we did our job right right as a 3P you know that yeah so yeah it’s um basically a claims process you know there they our customers file a claim against us and you know in the past yeah we would eat those um like okay you know it we said it shipped we can’t prove it shipped the customer didn’t get it as all we know the claim comes back on us.

Yeah um so that you know those charges mount up yeah over time so um and again it’s it’s really saved us numerous times in the last couple years got it so is that claim for the damages or shortages over bries you know what is what are those claims broken yeah pretty much everything if they say hey this was damaged um you know this product was damaged when it uh when it arrived um the LTL carriers you know they they it was damaged when we got it yeah um what they say so um we pull up those pictures and say hey here it is on the truck you know it left here in good shape.

Yeah so uh they they’re able to push those claims back onto the carriers joh C it C it and and you know how did you hear about you know load proof you know you know how did you guys you know hear about load proof I do not know that that would come above me it was our uh so my our uh district manager had actually come through and I think he’s actually got an invite to to speak as well but um he’s over sites in Charleston as well as South Carolina okay and he’s implemented load proof in all of his sites um and he brought it on to us um and I want to say there was another one of our other sites had it and and he got it from somewhere so got it he implemented it here and you know we we love it so okay great and and you know what was the situation like before right I mean you know you know what was it how painful was it when someone files a claim or when someone reports a problem and you guys are in the 3P business and and how did load proof change how was it before and how was it after you know if you could please talk about no you know all the pains you guys had all the challenges you guys had and how much time you would spend on you know collecting and you know having meetings and talking to you know your team and you know all that you know and how did that change after load proof is implemented.

Yeah so um previously what what would happen you know we would get a claim and you know we’d have to put a team together and you know research it and try to see what happened you know what was a pallet left off or was product damaged um and you know we put our heads together and we would do a c you know on how to correct the actions um how to prevent it from happening in the future yeah so so again like you mentioned time was spent in meetings yeah uh you know that’s taking people off the floor yeah um our team and you know getting together in a in a room to sit and talk.

Yeah and we implemented load proof so now it’s basically hey we get an email here’s a claim yeah um I pull up that picture and I’m like okay we don’t have to do nothing else I send that picture back to the customer say hey here it is okay so it’s cut down on a lot of time and it’s cut down on money and it’s you know they they ask us hey do you have pictures of this this is what they’re telling us correct now so they’re they’re very pleased with it also okay and what does that team look like right I mean you know how would you you know what is that team we would have we would have our site manager myself an operations manager probably a supervisor and a few team members off the floor Fort lift operator loaders um you know taking them off the floor you know just a try to get a team from everybody the CSRs.

Yeah we would we would have try to get one of each in those meetings to sit and talk on what we can do to make it better to prevent it yeah yeah and that would happen for every single claim that you guys get it depend on uh it depended on the type of claim you know if it was you know something minor you know it depend on how much you know how big it was if it’s a whole pallet then yeah every time yeah you know saying they didn’t get receive a pallet you know a lot of times pallet gets lost yeah once it leaves here especially LTL carriers they they unload them somewhere and they get mixed in with something else yeah so but yeah they would it was time from Sing got it so now now what happens I mean you know now with load proof you know you guys log into the load proof portal you go and find the picture and then you’re you’re sharing that picture or you are just you know telling them that we got it you know are you’re emailing them the photos you know what is the process oh yeah yeah I I’ll uh I’ll send them the pictures of the of the load proof pictures I’m say and I sent them you know everything throughout the whole thing you know the paperwork the every picture that we’ve got um I say here here’s our here’s our pictures uh once it was loaded um that we don’t know what happened after that but this is what it looked like when it left our facility.

Got it and and what in all you guys document as part of that your you know is it typically LT L trucks or is it FTL or you’re doing both and what and all you know you guys document along with every we’re our process is to take everything that’s loaded on a truck or container whatever it is everything we shipping out of here should have a load proof picture.

Okay um just to cover us you know we we just recently got one where uh the um container got to the port and it got rejected because our tie guard was real loose okay so I was able to pull those pictures up well the Ard looked good when it left here so what had happened was some of the product shifted okay the drums and know a lot of times we have product know drum prod problems with them shifting so it shifted and pulled loose um so we’re we’re able to send them what it looked like when it left here so great great so so now now life is so much better I mean how much time you know you’re saving or you’re you know not having to it’s basically 5 minutes less you know to come in to pull up the load proof send it to the customers I here it is and you know there’s no more of getting people together and saying okay this is what happened or yeah you know it’s also a training tool too so if we do pull up pictures and say hey we can get their loaders in here to show them what their load if the load wasn’t loaded right.

Yep um we’re able to pull our our guys in and it’s a a training moment that we use for tools say okay this is what it looked like when it left here here and then we’re able to pull up good pictures and say hey this is what it should have looked like when I left here yeah yeah yeah I mean especially with 3PL right I mean there’s always some kind of a labor challenges right you guys are getting people new people training people so all those things you know it’s helpful as a training tool as well right okay so if you could please list down like you know the key benefits that you guys are you know getting out of load proof you know what would that be obviously the first one is you know you have this immediate you know proof that you can show to your customer whoever is filing the claim you know this the first thing hey guys look at this right the product left in perfect condition.

The second one is you know you’re using it as a training tool so what are the what are the key benefits that you guys have with load proof yeah so the biggest one like you just mentioned the biggest one is is cutting back on claims against us okay I mean that’s yeah that’s that’s really you know they come to us you know as far as the claims go hey this is a Sunland issue no it’s not anymore because we got our load proof pictures.

Um um so they’re able to pass that on to the carriers um I would say you know the uh next thing is time you know there a lot less time you know um once it comes through like I said less than five minutes I’m able to pull those pictures up send them back and and we’re not having to put a team together to sit for an hour or so and and have people off the floor to talk um third thing is our training tool you is load know we can pull up pictures of good and bad loads if they sent it out bad yeah show them what they did wrong it’s a teaching moment yeah yeah yeah yeah and and and how much you know your claims have come down now now your carriers or whoever that you folks are working with your supply chain operators they are realizing oh my God you know if I file a claim with these guys they’re going to push back on me with the photos right that’s that’s like you know that’s like hey you know what there’s no point in me filing a claim let me you know do some digging on my side first and you know figure out right is that what is happening and how how has that gotten better.

We’ve seen a few issues like that so we we’ve seen a few where the customer come back and say hey the uh the carrier said they damaged something damage their product um so the customers going to receive something short um so yeah we we’ve seen a few issues like that so I guess you know like you said they they realize hey they probably got pictures of it let’s go ahead and cover ourselves and say we damaged it and be done with it yeah yeah yeah approximately very high level you know approx how many dollars you you think you guys would have saved with load proof you know again that that may be that’s that may be our site manager that that level um I don’t see those numbers okay um so that that would probably be more coming from him of the dollar amount the one that’s doing the invoice and stuff say okay all right that’s fine um you know I mean is it fair to say at least I mean because you know if you have you know um you know five people one coming from each department a CSR a site manager you know a claims processing person right all these people are sitting there and talking about this for like 30 minutes and then researching this and trying to figure out what exactly happened all that time is saved right all that is all right that’s dollars right there correct real dollars and then if there is any damage and like you said hey we’ll just eat it and we’ll just you know replace it and things like that right that that inventory cost is also quite quite a bit right I mean you know would it would it be fair to say at least at least you know $10,000 $220,000 something like that per month we’ve had some probably up in that range total um we are allow you know a certain amount of claims damage stuff here so you know with it um again I don’t know those numbers um but uh yeah we we’re allowed a certain amount but that does it cut back on our customer complaints and and how we score versus our customer correct I mean that’s a you know when you’re running an operation you got to have some room for you know things like that right that’s part of operations that’s part of logistics that’s part of you know supply chain that you’ve Workshop to deal with okay that makes sense so so you know as an operations manager right you have used it for more than two years now and and would you recommend you know anybody um you know that is you know like yourself in that role running operations for a 3PL you know supporting OEMs brand you know would you recommend load proof to them oh yeah we’ve talked to uh some of our other sites um we’re trying to get that implemented and I want to say some more have joined on yeah but yeah we definitely trying companywide you know we’re we’re trying to get it everybody on board and and show them the benefits of of using it okay great great so you have anything else that you would like to share I mean see you know like I mentioned you know we we get excited because you guys are the ones that are doing the racing we don’t get to race them you know I like that I like the fact that you can pull it up from from any time you know a lot of a lot of programs only stored data up for so many days or you know months or whatever and you know we’re shipping a lot of containers out of here so they’re on the water for months may not get it until you know four or five months from now and you know we’re able to go back and and pull those up as well okay which is very beneficial um to us one thing I would like to maybe if there’s an improvement to it would be able to zoom in when you take the picture you know like there may be a way to do it it’s there yeah it’s there you can you can zoom it in you can zoom it in yeah absolutely yeah like when I like you know we a lot of a lot of our guys have it on their phone yeah they’re just you know they’re when but when you go to like try to like when you’re doing a regular picture you kind of click on it and spread your fingers but when you do that it takes the picture yeah there is a there is a line that will come up oh pinch you’re saying implement the pinch capability see there is a line that will come and you can move that up Zoom it in okay yeah do that okay well that’s good to know I can I can share that information that was the only thing I’ve been trying to I’m like I want to zoom in and get this oh you’re trying to pinch okay okay we are okay we’ll make sure we change that to pinch so when you pinch it you can zoom it in yeah absolutely we’ll we’ll make sure that happens yeah yeah and one more thing is one more thing is we have something called load proof viewer that is available for your mobile device because everyone is using mobile device see today you have to go to the browser to retrieve the photos right right we have another app called load proof viewer and you can use that you can use that and you know look at the photos right from your mobile device you don’t have to go to your computer oh okay yeah yeah we’ll send an email to you and you guys can play with it we are giving it away for free for everyone now so you guys can use it you know that’s a good yeah yeah yeah nice so I mean that’s all I have anything else that you would like to share or anything else about load proof that that would make your life easier even better not at this moment this has really helped us out um it’s just it’s a very good program and we enjoy it you I said it’s it’s really saved us some some headache awesome awesome thank you thank you very much um you know Clen yeah thank you for taking the time to share this feedback this means a lot to us and we’ll we’ll keep on you know making it better yeah yeah yeah okay yeah thank you good I appreciate it good talking to you thank you for the time thank you thank you bye.”

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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