LoadProof Video Testimonial – Dylan Hubbard, Kenco – Samsung

“us so just a basic introduction on top of that it’s like I’m Omar I work with uh kuga and basically I’m a technical and functional handle for load proof so uh if any major requirements or any major projects which we need to look into like I’m the person of point of contact in load Prof itself so uh you know let’s let’s start from the beginning you know like I believe we already had a a call before on this one but uh can we look into the more of the problem side or the frustration side you know before imp menting load prooof into your system like what were the you know like how would you describe your day you know during that particular process prior to using load proof

yes um everything was very manual uh time consuming frustrating um I mean it’s it literally involved us manually uploading photos to a certain part of whatever program we were using I think it was trucker tools or something something along those lines um so very manual I mean not um not very organized in any way um finding information was really difficult um and as you can imagine working with Samsung on a daily basis they have questions right they they need visibility into our processes and what we do so that was a struggle which put a strainer our relationship um so kind of coming when we started using load prooof when we figured out that we could use load prooof I mean it was night and day

right off the bat it made things so much easier I mean finding information um it was structured um it was easy to follow um being able to upload as many pictures as you could of a situation um not only empowered us but I think it gave us a better sort of Communication channel right and then being able to also give our customer visibility into those pictures too has basically cut down the amount of time that we would spend sending emails and and and you know and pasting and copying pictures and um any situations that might have come up before with the previous tool that we use so it’s yeah I mean it’s been it’s been a game Cher um and then you know we just recently with uh Shan’s help got it even more dialed

in right to where we actually have separate folders now um which means our information is even I guess more organized right it’s easier to find um and the feedback we’re getting from drivers managers uh on what we’ve done so far um is it’s really it’s taken a lot of time uh off their hands right because we’ve got folders for anything and everything that might I guess come up on a daily basis from a driver’s perspective as well as from a manager’s perspective um and we’re still in the process of playing with everything and and Tran’s been great at you know supporting us and communicating with us and we’ve thrown all these curveballs at him on you know restructuring stuff and putting stuff at the top the bottom and he’s done a really great job of uh of helping us get that uh get that structured

um so it’s been great it really has I mean I I think of five years ago where we sort of came from and uh as far as a system like uh not having a system like load prooof and and where we are today and it it really has I think also given our customer a lot of confidence um because it’s real it’s real time right I mean the a driver are taking pictures of everything as it happens it’s time stamped you’ve got the date it shows you the coordinates shows you who took the picture yeah um it just it takes away a lot of guess work um in my opinion great so so U um you know thank you for the detailed explanation so there you know what is the specific challenge with the driver and what is that that you guys have solved Now using a load

prooof um I don’t know if Dylan wants to take this one over um just uh like customer damage right so we pick up televisions and appliances um you know sometimes they’re they’re damaged upon arrival um so us being able to document that uh is a big help uh along with uh home damage right when we show up to a customer’s home and we see that their the weather stripping is is damaged already so then you know we can snap photos of that and then with these new categories that we have you know we have uh one that’s labeled home damage our drivers can can add that to that certain Tab and then when we come back and the customer says that you know we damaged this or whatever we actually have that documented and its photo proof right yeah so that’s just been a a really big help

um and as far as you know the day-to-day uh the the system is very easy to operate right um you know there’s really no no confusion when you open the app you know exactly what to do um so that’s a that’s a huge huge Plus on our part as well because we do our turnover rate isn’t crazy but when we do hire new people it’s it’s one of the easier systems that we’re able to you know show them and they grasp really quick um so yeah that that very beneficial to what what we do now um and and it’s just I feel like it’s just going to get better great yeah so uh yeah I believe you basically describe like a day in a life of you know how they used to do uh for driver segments in load prooof so uh if we like further drill Dr to that you know how long have we introduced load proof for the just the driver segment been like four years yeah I think it’s been like four years yeah so in those yeah I’m sorry so in those four years like have you been facing any uh you know like certain aspects of saying that hey this might be you know one of the cases where we can use load proof like in an addition to just for driveway yeah um so each site we have eight locations that uh that

uh we operate under and uh you know we use it for our shipping and outbound um we receive product that’s damaged uh we added to load proof um and again you know just having those those categories that we created it it helps us in in locating that that order right um and then Samsung our customer has access to load proof as well so then when they have the customer portal open they can go in and see that that was damaged when we had a UPS ground to us right right or uh you know sa came and it was just all busted uh whatever the case may be um so yeah we do use it in in a lot of other ways uh other than just the day-to-day uh driver exchange or pickup um we’re we’re utilizing it on our uh at our locations as well yeah uh so on top of that I believe there should be one of the categories as concealed damages as well so whenever you can’t you know locate a damage off a product you can you know just add it to that category I believe I you guys do have it yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah can you like describe a little bit about that as well um yeah uh so that is uh say that you know we get a a shipment from a carrier we schedule that customers exchange uh the drivers take it to this customer’s home upon opening it they they discover that the screen is is cracked uh or there there’s a dent in the front of the refrigerator um so then that’s where we use that that portion that tab that we that was created

um and then that’s where it’s you know it it goes back to Samsung having access to it they can see that you know what what happened and then they can take it back to their Logistics team and you know try to figure out you know new carriers or uh to adapt their their process to you know reduce the concealed damage and it it to add to that it’s it speeds up the process of replac ing the unit from the customer right so before before load prooof as I said there was an exchange of emails so our our managers would have to get the pictures from the guys the guys would send them to the managers and the manager would copy and paste those pictures onto an email and then send it to Samsung but now with having like a category like that Samsung has visibility into it right so they can see it they have people checking it every so often daily

so we don’t need to send emails anymore Samsung can go in there because we’ve labeled it as concealed damage they can then basically streamline and now expedite the process of ordering the replacement for the customer instead of waiting for us to send an email right um perfect example if I’m a site manager and let’s say I’m on vacation and there concealed damage right so now the guys are going to have to send me pictures the pictures won’t get to Samsung until I come back from vacation right yeah exactly so the time that it takes for everything to happen has been literally”

Cut um you know in almost in half because Samsung sees it and Samsung can act on it at that point if we do send an email it’s just a formality just to say hey we’re checking in on this and Samsung can say yep we’re on it replacement unit is coming next week now we can give the customer better news right instead of saying hey my boss isn’t here so you’re going to probably have to wait two weeks before he comes back and then he’s going to send the stuff to Samsung and then Samsung’s going to order it so now you’re waiting maybe a month before you get your things um and just as a system there’s three things that we track when it comes to our relationship with Samsung right it’s claims it’s uh we look at safety and uh um and home damages so L proof has also allowed us to give even our safety team visibility into some of our daily processes example being we have a category called dvir right where our drivers are expected to do a vehicle inspection and take multiple photos of the vehicle inspection to show that they did it so a pre-trip and a post-trip so the guys have been doing that and putting it on there and that’s now going to actually translate into giving us 100% And engagement when it comes to our um our safety participation uh every month right so that’s literally saving us a ton of time and a ton of headaches.

Um the claim Pro the claims process has also become easier right because before you know we were going off of we had to get statements from the guys if there was damage anywhere to a customer’s home you know then we had to call the customer da d da now because the guys are empowered to basically take as many photos as they can we as managers can go in there and look at the photos and then directly reach out to the customer and say hey so my guys uh basically you know because you can also put notes and comments in there right uh my guys made me aware that you know something might have happened at your location you know we apologize for the inconvenience and then we can compare photos with them and see what they have right because sometimes customers will have other photos that actually are part of the damage because they see Samsung and they assume that they can just basically you know get us to pay for anything and everything so by now I was saying hey I’ve got timestamp photos from my team who was just there and the photos that you’re showing me have nothing to do with what my team showed me we’ve caught a lot of customers in situations where at that point they have no case so it’s actually helped us um decrease the amount that we pay out on claims that we used to before before load proof um because before you know you were going off the customer word right.

Um yeah I mean our guys would tell us hey I didn’t do this but the question is okay how can you prove you didn’t do this if you didn’t take photos when you walked in to show me that this was there before I’m losing this case because the customer has as photos and we don’t have any proof um so yeah it’s it’s it’s been it’s been really good and I think with these new changes it’s going to only make it better um for us as a group um and I I didn’t even know that you could you know categorize it into different folders till Shan told us that hey you guys might want to look into this because there’s other segments in Cano that actually do this um you know and uh we basically sent information to our bosses and they were like yeah it’s a no-brainer let’s do it right um and it’s been the feedback so far has been really good from both drivers and managers.

So who are the managers that you’re talking about I mean I understand drivers right those are the people that actually make the deliveries who are the managers I mean you are a transportation manager right mosa you you run the whole operation or you run one portion of the operation so myself Dylan and Eric we oversee the eight locations so Eric and Dylan are um are East Coast and West Coast regionals right so they oversee four locations each and everybody who falls under those locations and then we work as a team to kind of oversee all eight locations so I’d be over all eight got it um and then we basically as a team you know get together and figure out what needs to be done but then each site has a manager.

Okay okay so there’s eight managers for you know eight one at each site and those managers also report so four of them report to Dylan four of them report to Eric so those are the guys who are basically responsible for your day-to-day operation so receiving right anything time anytime something comes in they’re the guys who are going to be taking pictures un load proof for the receiving portion shipping stuff out they’re the guys who are responsible for taking those pictures and uploading them um and then just anything that sort of like you know uh happens in the warehouse if they need to document it and take pictures of it they’ve all got load proof from their phones um makes it a lot easier for them it makes it it makes it a lot more accessible for everybody to see at the same time um so yeah that’s kind of how it’s broken down so those managers are the you know the direct drivers report to those managers basically corre they’re the transportation manager and they run that operation of that facility where you know they receive the product and then whatever X number of trucks are there they assign the drivers and they make sure the drivers go and deliver.

Got it okay correct got got it okay nice nice nice and and so you guys talked about you talked about the claims so there are for example you know I was just looking at it to get a better understanding of the operation so there was a scenario where there was a door that was broken and there was damage before you know the delivery and then after the delivery so obviously there was some some incremental damage whatever reason happened right we we all get that so but but the customer could potentially come and say this was not there and this was the damage that was caused and could submit a big I mean high dollar value claim to you guys yes yes and like I said free load proof um we had a lot of those right because we couldn’t we couldn’t fight them uh it it if you had let’s say five claims in one day which we never had but and you were trying to use this manual system yeah on top of trying to do everything else you’re supposed to do on a daily basis yep there’s no way you could get both done so something would get missed right yep so load proof has given us the ability to not only um just multitask right because it doesn’t take me long to take five pictures and put notes in put a customer order yep and then basically send it over as you know a quality issue or miscellaneous or whatever exactly y um and then I don’t need to bother Dylan or Eric right if something comes to my attention let’s say from Samsung Y I can go straight to load proof and find what I need to find yep in order to give Samsung answers I don’t need to go to Dylan to Eric and then to the site managers to try and figure out what happened it’s all right there exactly and I can pretty much answer the questions right there and then back and forth the emails are eliminated basically yes yes saves us a ton of time too.

It’s like a one place for communication and everybody else can look at it and then hey you know what guys this is what is going on let’s let’s you know move forward to the next step yeah and and it’s nice that Samsung has visibility too I mean there’s been times when Samsung’s reached out to us before we even know about something and Samsung will say hey this doesn’t seem to make sense this customer says that you know you drove through their garage door right and Samsung will go to us and say I highly doubt that that’s what you guys did yeah and look into it and say you’re correct we did not okay but they’ll even try and reach out to Samsung before reaching out to us oh my god oh man then we hear from Samsung that this customer is making these claims oh and then you go and pull out your photos and then show that oh my God basic we can basically say hey look and the other thing too that we haven’t mentioned on this call is we have what’s called a uh we have a a walk through document Y and it’s basically a document that our delivery agents for every order y soon as they get to the door and walk into the house y they notate damage yeah and check it or if there’s no damage they’ll put no damage yeah if there’s damage they’ll put damage they’ll specify what it was they’ll take a picture of it and load proof when all is said and done that document gets uploaded onto load proof too and if the customer has signed on there to say there’s been no damages during this delivery then there’s no way they’re going to win that case so if if they decide to drive their car through their front window or their garage and we have signed document then then hey I’m I’m going to deny your claim everything was great yeah then it’s a no-brainer at that point man that’s crazy.

So so people cause damages by themselves and then blame it on um Samsung and um delivery people you’ll be surprised but yes sir we see that we still had quite a few few that’s that’s a nice process right like proof of delivery is a you know proof to show that hey you know we you got the product in perfect condition like that you guys are having one more document that you’re filling it out having the driver fill it out saying that hey you know what we didn’t do any damage whatsoever and get it signed by the customer yeah I mean that shuts them up you go hey yeah ma’am sir let me send you this document that you signed along with the along with the photo proof you know yeah yeah yeah usually they hang up when you do that or the email that they’re sending you stops coming through because they’re like oh I didn’t realize that you know they had everything they needed to basically say um this didn’t happen but I think it also it also helps us support our guys right the drivers yeah exactly a lot of times they get blamed for stuff and we can basically have their backs no that didn’t happen see that’s that’s that’s the question I was going to so how you know how hard was it you know obviously right the driver now you guys are asking the driver to take you know take this you know perform this extra task which is taking photos I mean until they realize right it’s easy and it’s it’s going to you know save me um when someone complains like that was there a difficulty in getting the drivers to understand hey you got to do this step early on or how long did it take to you know there is something called change management right um how how was that process what do you think Dylan.

um I don’t at at the time that we implemented load proof uh we only had three sites okay so it’s not we weren’t at the same capacity that we are now um and for the most part I feel like our guys are are accepting to change um but then we just circle back around to the user you know the user ability of it right like it’s so easy to use and I feel like the guys our drivers uh and managers like the process a lot better um just as far as you know how it was previously yeah and how much manual work we put in yeah uh to you know today where you know we we have little cool little files that we could put everything in you know yeah um no the the change went over really well um I don’t I did not hear any horror stories about it okay um but no it’s it’s great I mean I I don’t have any complaints okay so it took it sounds like it took a couple of iterations for the drivers to understand hey this is worth doing and this is going to help me as a driver it’s going to help me in the long run but you know once they saw that they they adapt adapted to also the tool is pretty easy to use right that’s very important you cannot sit there and spend hours you know trying to take these photos

so that also you know got them onboarded relatively quickly yeah I think the Buy in the buying was pretty quick right because the one thing about the Samsung group or our group is we never want to put something in front of the drivers or the managers without them understanding why we’re doing that yeah right yeah um and we don’t like to micromanage right so the buyin went relatively quickly because the explanation was hey this is putting the power in your hands like you literally get to control the scenario right we’re not there when stuff happens at a customer’s home yep well you guys are there so this tool is your way of communicating to us that hey I’m notating that this is what’s going on or this is what’s happened right so by doing that not only you communicating more effectively but you’re also basically making sure that you are covering yourself and the account and the company against anything that may happen yep and have the power to take as many photos as you want if you choose to not to then you’re also making that decision to not do that right you you become liable yourself yeah yeah you have everything you need like there’s no there’s no room for excuses at this point right yeah because when we first started like Dylan said with the three locations and we were doing things very manual a lot of the feedback we’re getting was how do I document this how do I without having to call you all the time or to without having to bother you so all those questions were answered when we introduced loadproof

yeah yeah we basically said hey all those questions you had yeah on how to document stuff and then and basically Empower yourself to be able to document stuff yep is now basically on your phone yeah yeah yeah so so so if you right if you were to recommend any other driver uh to use load proof I mean would you recommend them using load prooof you mean within our group wherever wherever it doesn’t matter right I mean if I’m like in a role that similar to similar to what you guys are we’ve talked to the people that deliver stuff to us you know like ups and uh Unice because they use those little handheld things right yeah and the question has always been how do you cover yourself right because the handheld in my opinion covers the company correct but it doesn’t cover you so how do you when you come to do a delivery right cover yourself so that they can say that you did this right because you can literally take pictures of your truck being loaded at the dock y right and document that and say hey this person loaded a damaged product onto my onto my truck it was damaged before I even drove away yep right yep and then you can also when you get to you know a warehouse and they say uh I don’t want that I’m rejecting this yeah you can basically say in addition to the pictures I took before yeah I’m also notating and documenting that this same item that was damaged which I didn’t do was rejected by the customer right y um because these guys get paid per delivery they get paid you know for having successful Del deliveries and unsuccessful ones y count against them yep so yeah I mean I definitely recommend it to anyone who has a it doesn’t even have to be a driving job yeah you know I mean it’s it’s the uses of load proof I think go even beyond what we’re using lad Tru for um I think any sort of organization can can find benefits yep especially if they have some sort of structured processes right yep uh the fact that you can you can you can put files in and do certain things that’s a good way to track um several different processes without having to go you know door too and checking in on people or micromanaging people right yeah if everyone has the buyin on that tool and everyone has a say in how it gets set up in order for it to be useful for everyone y you could literally just have that visibility

you you would have to be in the same building to have the visibility that you need yeah just access to yeah yeah great fantastic fantastic I mean that’s you know thank you for the detailed feedback I mean that helps us a lot yeah Omar what other questions you have here yeah I have uh just like a few follow-ups so uh you said like during this claims and safety and you know home damages you recorded couple of things you know which benefited you for fighting off for the claims so just on an average case scenario what would be the dollar saving that you know we guys made for like Samsung like just a rough figure like a ballpark would be fine as well in in in in sort of what space of time are you talking like per month are you talking like per week yeah let’s let’s go by month yeah I’d say the number of claims that we’ve been able to save Samsung from let’s say per month would would it would be between I’d say anywhere from what would say $2500 to $5,000 easily without you know because what happens with home claims is people when you when when when they go and get let’s say estimates right they’ll try and find the most expensive estimate to try and prove their case yes um but as I said we’ve got all the information we need so the moment we start seeing people or customers reaching out to us going hey here’s a estimate for the Damage Done to my house I can look at that estimate and go uh no I can actually say to the customer I’m not paying that because I have the confidence of what’s backing me up as far as load proof so I’d say yeah about $2500 $5,000 a month would be what we that’s only on the claims that’s just on the claims yes yes definitely and U

yeah this I believe you already answered like the three highlighted benefits for LP so let’s move on to the next question that would be like any any certain improvements that can we do for our application or you know like any on the browser side as before the user what other problems you know can we solve for you guys that would be like oh if load prooof does this that’ll be that’ll make my life so much better right one thing that comes to mind is you know sometimes our drivers like when we did the transition with the folders uh the files um a lot of our drivers didn’t know what to do right so they were putting all of these orders in the ship an outbound category instead of the load category where it needed to be um if there’s a way that we can uh edit that on our side so that we don’t have to go through and you know Snap photos again and upload it to the correct category oh so you want to be able to switch from one category to another category through the browser yourself browser yeah correct yes that would that would help us a lot because I mean even to today I’m looking right now and we have some driver out of one of our locations that are still uploading to shipping and outbound okay but then that doesn’t get translated to Samsung because Samsung’s looking only in the load portion got it onload proof right um so that would be the my biggest call out uh that that would be great if it did function that way okay got it yeah we can take a look at it yeah yeah um two things that kind of come to mind one is I know that we can scan the barcode in the paperwork mhm and I think when you scan it

I think it it’ll it’ll automatically put the order number um you know because that’s one thing we struggled with before was some guys with fat finger correct numbers correct correct to be able to scan that has really helped us kind of get see you can actually lock the uh field so you can um make sure people don’t type in anything through the keyboard where they’re only forced to scan you can do that too okay yeah so so if if if in that bar code yep let’s say the you know there’s the order number and let’s say maybe it has like the customer’s information and address load prooof would be able to just us scan that and then it would fill in the categories accordingly no it won’t it won’t scan multiple bar code simultaneously at the same time but what it can do is you can force I mean you can um Force the user to only scan the barcode and do not let the guy to type in yeah he will not be able to type in anything because that’s causing the fat finger error right so you know completely prevent that but instead force them to scan the barcode but if the barcode has like five or 10 different information that we we don’t have that I mean if you guys have give give us an example email shren an example where you have that we can take a look at it see if we can incorporate that okay yeah cuz uh I think I think our uh uh it guys were the ones who came up with that barcode Dylan right on the paperwork yeah Jeremy and Dalia were the ones who cuz we never had that when we first started and then they started putting barcodes on there okay is that is that on the proof of delivery document or which document yeah um so I guess it would be the proof of delivery because it’s what the customer signs yeah okay to say that the delivery happened so it be the Pod yeah on top of that I guess we need to make sure I mean you’re saying they signed in right at the end so we have to make sure we still have to see if we can do this also on the back end for people who are just doing a driver transfer because sometimes they’ll transfer trucks right so if they’re transferring trucks and they still have to show delivery on that transfer yep so you guys can still track that and get that documented in load proof you need to figure out what document or what aspect we can do in the backend to also capture that information okay okay um yeah I mean it’s all food for thought to make it a little bit easier to use it more efficient for everybody

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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