Graduates Look to Tech Disruptors for Opportunity

In the summer months, the employment market is flooded with newly minted graduates. In an environment where there are more supply chain, logistics, and related jobs than there are qualified candidates, this can be an opportune season to attract talent.  Today, pursing a job at a startup, particularly a high-tech, electronics startup is all the rage.

First, let’s make sure we agree on what a startup is. A startup is a pre-company that was formed to establish a company.  A hot shot disruptive technology startup has the potential to change the way we do business, to create a new business model. It goes well beyond offering Web site or app development services.

Someone said executing a startup is like jumping off a cliff without anything, then building the plane on your way down and getting it to fly before you hit the ground. If you fail, you crash and die. At the same time, even after you get it in the air, you have to not only keep it flying but also continue to climb and take multiple pinnacles one after another. In the business world, that translates into monetary rewards for investors, and satisfaction for everyone involved. If you have the right temperament, it’s a rewarding exercise, but at the same time it creates some of the most difficult situations imaginable.

A typical startup goes through several ups and downs before it hits that most coveted hockey stick ramp up. Many of them fail within the first three years due to a variety of challenges. Successful founders are more than just lucky. They put in the hard work and the struggle. They were smart, whether they had a strategic funding or had an early on consulting revenue. And, it’s important to remember, many did everything right and still failed.

Even with all the risks, startups offer a lot of opportunities to young graduates, including a chance to:

  • Learn to solve a problem in a fitting manner.
  • Understand non-siloed thinking while learning the activities of each business function.
  • Relentlessly pursue the critical goal of adding value.
  • Understand the ins and outs of building a great team and successfully overcoming challenges with them.
  • Gain career-building skills.
  • Help make a vision come to life in reality.

Learn to solve a problem in a fitting manner

Successful startups solve a real problem that people have. The first step is to talk to the target group of users. They will be glad to help because they have a problem that needs a solution. These are the people who can get into the nitty gritty of the problem. In the end, you need to be able to offer big value that will convince end users to switch to your solution. These companies are able to express their value proposition simply and elegantly.  Users will be anxious to climb on board.

Understand a non-siloed thinking while learning the activities of each business function

It is very important to understand the true goals of every organizational activity. For example, the goal of marketing is very simple: collecting leads which are pursued by sales and eventually result in a new customer. Similarly, there is no point in spending $1 million in product development and another $1 million in product marketing. A product that solves a problem thoroughly is the first and the foremost thing, especially in the consumer world. If your product does not speak for itself, if there is no solid differentiation, there is no point in even making the product. That is why Steve Jobs declared that Apple wouldn’t be part of Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Instead, Apple had its own show on its campus. The premise here is that product excellence gets attention—so if you focus on that and being groundbreaking and innovative the attention will naturally follow.  Another leader, Tesla, spends zero dollars on marketing its cars. The Tesla cars are so ground breaking and innovative that it sells itself. The product needs to speak for itself.

Relentlessly pursue the critical goal of adding value

Great employees focus on adding value to the end customer. If your task/project/activity doesn’t add value to your end user, then don’t do it. Of course, you can’t take this literally. In a startup, direct customer value may be hard to discern. However, it remains an important question that in turn build a culture that thinks about the customer at every turn.  That customer focus helps you learn the industry and its evolving trends (that means, building domain expertise). Startups need to be relentless in this.

Understand the ins and outs of building a great team 

The team determines the success of a startup. A tight team defined by contagious energy, enthusiasm, loyalty, and ability to work together seamlessly produces more than the sum of the individuals.  A team that overcomes diversity together provides a great learning ground for a young professional. Of course, a tiny startup with a grand vision may have a hard time attracting top talent. However, a real team can see the vision and work together to get to the goal.

Gain career-building skills

While beginning a career, it is very important to choose for reasons that get beyond just a salary. Find a role that you call fall in love with and the quality of your work will show it. When you love what you do, you are willing to go the extra mile or two and you want to put your own signature on it, and innovate at it.

Help make a vision come to life in reality

One of the coolest experiences I had was working with an entrepreneur in real life.  I had already had two failed companies on my resume. Knowing I needed to earn my sales and marketing chops,  I joined the MBA program at Georgia Tech with the goal of having a company with real customers when I graduated.  My professor Dr. Saby Mitra connected me with the ATDC where I met an entrepreneur who was building a smart water meter. It was fascinating see his vision and, after almost a year, they had gotten funding and had a working product. He succeeded fueled by sheer persistence and vision—and he had built a company that was functioning as a new business entity.

So, what do you think? Do you have the stomach to be part of a startup? If you are building a vision, do you know how to attract the best of the young talent. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Originally published at on August 02, 2018.

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the Founder, CEO of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator LoadProof has been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 100 million boxes. SG LoadProof is a patent pending Centralized Enterprise Photo/Video Document System on Cloud for Supply Chain. SG LP is built on the fact that photos & videos are vital docs as important as POs/SOs/Legal Contracts/Fulfillment Orders that reside in ERP/WMS/TMS systems, that serve as compelling, conclusive, unequivocal proof of crucial, critical, vital operations executed in Supply Chain within/across orgs when fulfilling customer orders as well as meeting contractual obligations between orgs as merchandise is transferred between different parties that partake in Supply Chain functions & operations. And these photos/videos data should not be stored in someone’s Smartphone or Email Inbox or in their personal/work Computer, but should be stored in a Centralized Enterprise system, where such data can be pushed into super-fast, stored securely, accessible to all stake holders (CFO/Sales Reps/Customer Support/AR/AP) in an org, as well as facilitates super-fast retrieval/sharing. LP is an Enterprise System of record for Photo/Video docs & is as important as an ERP which is an enterprise system of record for POs, SOs, Legal Contracts between parties etc. that have huge legal ramifications, also as important as a WMS (Warehouse Management System) that hold indispensable shipment & fulfillment data on orders. Like how Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. have evolved into social media platforms/systems that enable individuals to showcase their beauty/pretty clothes/lovely cosmetics/hep coolness etc., LoadProof is an Enterprise system that holds similar photos/videos, but for a different reason, not for show off, but to serve as compelling, conclusive, unequivocal & indisputable system of record and proof that can be presented even in the court of law, when there is a dispute between parties while they execute many facets of the Supply Chain functions & operations. SG LoadProof is also an Enterprise System of Record for Photos, videos and any other digital documents for your Supply Chain Network. A system of record (SOR) or source system of record (SSoR) is a data management term for an information storage system (commonly implemented on a computer system running a database management system) that is the authoritative data source for a given data element or piece of information. The need to identify systems of record can become acute in organizations where management information systems have been built by taking output data from multiple source systems, re-processing this data, and then re-presenting the result for new business use. In these cases, multiple information systems may disagree about the same piece of information. These disagreements may stem from semantic differences, differences in opinion, use of different sources, and differences in the timing of the extract, transform, and load processes that create the data they report against, or may simply be the result of bugs. The integrity and validity of any data set is open to question when there is no traceable connection to a good source, such as a known System of Record. Where the integrity of the data is vital, if there is an agreed system of record, the data element must either be linked to, or extracted directly from it. In other cases, the provenance and estimated data quality should be documented. The “system of record” approach is a good fit for environments where both: 1. there is a single authority over all data consumers, and 2. all consumers have similar needs Here, LoadProof is the System of Record for pictures and videos for all the entities in Supply chain who uses pictures and videos to track using any Supply Chain System infrastructure. 1. LoadProof provides accurate, thorough, complete, and latest information in pictures and videos related to any entity in the Supply chain that is tracked. 2. LoadProof is the single authority on pictures and videos related to any entity in the Supply Chain that is tracked 3. LoadProof doesn’t let any external system to copy the records being stored in it, which eliminates the data being duplicated in multiple places to preserve the data integrity and credibility. 4. LoadProof has a secured login procedure which lets only users with select level access to view the data and modify the records which helps in maintaining LoadProof is becoming the Industry Standard System for Photo & Video Docs for Supply Chain Smart Gladiator is located in ATDC - Advanced Tech Dev Center (tech Incubator) in Georgia Institute of Tech. Click for a demo - Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 25 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at or visit the company at Also follow him at [Read More]
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