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Rugs, things like that. Mhmm. And January is always a good season for that. So Okay. Yeah.

Those those are 2 big big seasons for us. Great. Great. I’m I mean, I’m just you know, I was just surprised that, you know I mean, obviously, right, you know, we are doing everything to help you folks be successful with Loadproof and and, you know, we’ve got so many customers that have had, you know, significant, dollar savings. Right?

You know, with Loadproof. I I know while while just understanding the problem that you folks have that you folks are dealing with, I mean, is it a very common thing that, you know, Walmart or one of these big retailers, they could send a truck where it can hold only 24 pallets, but you really, you folks are expected to ship, like, 36 pallets on that trucker purchase order? Generally, if that happens, we get the load breakdown and information ahead of time. Okay. So if we have, in a sense, orders purchase orders come to us today Yep.

Those purchase orders are broken down by a load. Okay. So they they assigned the truck. I mean, just truck 1, you know, put 24 pallets, truck 2, put 20 12 pallets, whatever that is. I I think we lost him.

Yeah. Yes. Lost. So let’s give a, like, minute. We might try to rejoin the call.

Find that quantity to make a load. Yeah. Yeah. We lost you for a few few seconds. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Great. So so, you know, we tried to a scenario where there is one scenario where, you know, it looks like, you know, looks like that loud load breakdown, report was missing or something like that.

You’re you’re breaking up on me really bad. Okay. Wow. I think things are okay. Yeah.

I’m good here. But what I was saying is, generally, what we’re gonna get is is gonna be a load. It’s not gonna be the where we 80% of an order on one load and the balance of that 20% goes on another load. Okay. That that that doesn’t happen.

The biggest issues that we have with Walmart, are the fact that you’ll ship something, then you’ll get a claim. And, basically, the claim is for merchandise invoice, but not shipped. Yeah. That’s that’s that’s the biggest claim we have on them. And, you know, we get the majority of them overturned.

Yeah. But it’s just a lot of work and a lot of effort sometimes with them, on those sort of things. So so how has Loadproof been? I mean, is it working pretty well for you guys? Or, you know, how is it It has been working pretty well, and I am probably not the expert to answer exactly because I’m not involved in the day in, day out of it Got it.

Every day of what’s going on with it. I get the overall picture from everyone else advising me, you know, where things are on it. The biggest thing we wanna make sure too is, are we doing everything right? Are we doing, are we doing our images right? Are we getting the information correct and everything we do?

So if we have to send it to them to look at yeah. We dotted every I and crossed every t. Correct. So there’s there’s not an open space for them to be able to come back and say Correct. Well Correct.

I can’t tell this. Correct. And it it it can be hard on some of our stuff because there are loads that we build Correct. That have multiple items on one pallet. Correct.

Correct. Correct. Correct. And it’s hard to look at Got you. Exactly.

Exactly. Exactly. So after having load proof, has that, you know, improved your, you know, like, a sense of confidence when you are having these conversations with your, you know, partners, retail partners saying that, hey, guys. You know, we did our job right. We didn’t, you know, you know, miss anything.

There are no shortages. The, you know, stretch wrapping was done perfectly. Has that improved your confidence, you know, in any It it definitely has improved confidence. And and and what it improves on top of that, I think, sometimes is you’re letting retailers know whether it’s Walmart, whoever, that you’ve put a system in place because you know you’re doing the right thing. You know you’re putting what’s on there.

If if we were if we were trying to cheat you and not ship your merchandise, we wouldn’t put a system in place for you to ship percent. Yeah. So that’s that on my conversations with the buying team at Walmart Okay. Okay. That’s my conversation to them.

Okay. We we put a system in place because we’re sure we’re sure of what we put on a truck, and all this is is backup proof to show what we put on a truck. Correct. If we didn’t put it on there, the system would show we didn’t put it on. Correct.

Exactly. And and we have That’s rapid. That yeah. That’s exactly how you mentioned. We have customers that came and told us, hey.

You know what? We missed it. You know? Sorry about that and we’ll we’ll fix that problem. And they’ve done it.

They’ve done it multiple times. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Okay.
