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Perfect. You know, thank you for taking the time, Jason, to, you know, share feedback on load proof. Right? You know, and and so yeah. Yeah.

And, you know, the way that, you know, we look at it as, right, we build race cars, but we don’t get to raise them. You guys raise them. So it’s always, you know, you know, we wanna hear from you in terms of how it’s working out. Right? Things like that.

So, you know, if you could please, start with the introduction, we can get started there. Yeah. Yeah. We, we decided to start using load proof, for our milk run transit between our plant and logistics center locations. It is already, it’s already showed to be very beneficial and that some things tend to get missing in transit.

And when questioned whether or not we sent it, we’re easily able to access, Loadproof’s website and show them evidence of those things actually being on the truck. So it then you know, the ball is in their court, which makes it a lot easier to progress throughout the day. Great. So how did you guys hear about Loadproof, and, you know, what was the problem that you were trying to solve, you know, with Loadproof that you, you know, thought this makes sense? I think our manager, found out through somebody else with the company who had worked somewhere that had load proof.

Okay. So I guess, technically, word-of-mouth, from other users. Okay. And, you know, and, again, the the main issue we were having was, things going on the truck and getting taken off at the other location, but not being, transacted or tracked. Yeah.

So it having 2 different facilities, being able to prove that we sent something to the other facility right there, it takes 50% of the area that we have to look at out of the way because we know it’s not here. It has to be there. Got it. So, really, right then and there, it cuts the the searching time in half, if we do misplay something. And then once we find it, with load proof, we’re able to access not only, what truck it went on.

We are able to label it, whether it’s production or whether it’s not. We’re able to see exactly what time that picture was taken. And, we are taking pictures on an 18 wheeler trailer inside the trailer a lot of times. Yeah. So the ability to use flash, and and do rapid fire with photos where load proof allows you to only have to touch the screen.

And then the preview bar at the top makes it very useful as well. But, you know, it it really has, I think, I think at least 5 or 6, times in the last month, there have been questioned as to where something was, and we were able to easily, track it down using load proof. Got it. And you guys are with Bosch Rexroth. Right?

You are shipping all the, Rexroth frames. Is that what you guys are shipping? Yeah. Well, we, we deal with, outgoing sales to customers, but we also deal with the milk run, which which is just a a, bigger speech. It really, all it is is a transit 18 wheeler that goes between our logistics center and our plant.

So we’ll take parts from the logistics center, send it to the plant. Yep. They build something with it. They send it to us. We ship it out.

Okay. And the and what are the products that you guys ship? It it’s all those Bosch Rexland frames. Right? Right.

Belt guide, elevators, modules, rails, ball screws, things of that nature. Great. Great. Great. So, you know, how was it, how was the, implementation itself, right, when you guys turned it on?

You know, there are two aspects to the implementation. Right? Obviously, there is a technical aspect, you know, making the system work, and then the second is the people aspect. Right? People have to really buy into it, you know, in terms of using it.

I mean, no. It’s a new thing and, you know, they’ll be like, hey. You know, we haven’t done any of this like this so far and why do we have to do this. Right? If you could please talk about, you know, the technical implementation, how difficult or easy was it, and also same from a people perspective as well.

I mean, from a technical, perspective, it was extremely easy to upload, download, however you say it. I’ve forgive my terminology. It’s not great. But I mean, we got it up and running. And, of course, when you introduce it to people who tend to be creatures of habit, the the first thing you get is eyes rolled that they have to do something extra.

Yeah. But once but once we set them down and showed them really how basic it was and how how user friendly it is Yeah. Everybody jumped on board. And as a matter of fact, the people that are responsible for using load proof here are also the people that are being questioned or interrogated when something goes missing. So once they realized how useful of a tool it was, it we had no issues with people wanting to use it.

As a matter of fact, we had a couple of other people ask if they could get it put on their phone as well. Great. Great. Great. Great.

Great. Fantastic. So so, you know, what is, you know, what is that, you know, that open their, you know, eyes and tell them, you know what, guys? This makes sense. You know, we gotta use them.

Right? See, because one thing that we always, you know, struggle with is that, you know, people asking that, hey. You know, why do I have to do this extra step? And and once, you know, it takes a while for them to, I mean, see, we can always right? There is talking versus walking.

Right? We can always talk and tell them, hey, you gotta do this blah blah. But once they realize the light bulb goes off and they’re like, wow, you know, man, this makes ton of sense. Right? What was that for you guys?

Well, the very first time we had an issue with it, or not with it, but with a part going missing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Yeah. The the very first one, it was actually an extremely big deal because of the price of the part that went missing. And due to the company that it was going to being one of our number one customers, it was a very a very, high up issue that got, what’s the word, escalated. It got escalated up to a bunch of people that are higher ups. And and so once we were able to go back and I showed them, and the the lady that was responsible for getting it onto the truck was like, I know I put that there.

So we went back and I showed her. I said, you sure did. Here’s your picture. And as soon as she saw that, she said, okay. And it was like that.

That was her light bulb moment where it was like, I don’t think we’ve had had to remind her to grab her load proof phone, before the shift since then. Great. Great. Great. So that when they realize, oh my god, you know, this saved me because I I, you know, captured these photos, then they’re like, you know, they understand the importance of it.

Okay. Great. Great. So, you know, just Oh, and it’s an it’s an insurance policy. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So, you know, what is approximately? Right? So, you know, what is the number of claims that you guys have per month? Very high level approximately, you know, just just, you know, scenarios like this.

As far as, with production, solely what I what I personally am over, we do there’s probably at least 10 to 12 discrepancies a month Okay. That Loadproof helps us solve. I think, actually, the implementation of Loadproof not only has helped find the ones that go missing, but also, has really encouraged people at the plant and people here at the logistics center to be a lot more mindful of it. They know there’s proof. So not no pun intended, but they know that there’s proof of the what’s on that truck now.

So they understand that if it says it’s here, they better find it Okay. Because we have evidence now that that shows that. So that that’s helped a great deal. But to answer your question, probably about, it’s it’s gotten down to about 10. Before we had blood proof, we were probably dealing with anywhere between 2025 a month.

Wow. Okay. Wow, man. That is, that is a lot of claims. Right?

And and even I mean, if you, you know, obviously, right, I mean, you guys ship all these Bosch Rexroth frames. Those are expensive frames. I mean, even if you put, like, $1,000 to run and put yeah. Mhmm. Sorry.

Go ahead. Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. And this is, you know no.

You’re fine. And and like I said, this was more, you know, I mean, it could be anything from a $5 part to a $5,000 part. It really it it it is that big of a fluctuation. So, you know, that’s why it’s so important to have something like this because, you know, if it’s a $5 part, maybe it’s not that big a deal. But when it is that $5,000 part, you better find it.

That’s a that’s a big deal. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly.

So, you know, how has, you know, your customers that have, you know, seen hey. You know, you go back and tell them, hey, guys. You know, we shipped it and we also have photo proof, you know, for the shipment. You know, how do they how did they react? You know, has your claims come down?

You know, are people, you know, even, you know, submitting that many claims or, you know No. Yeah. Right. And and the customer claims I and I apologize for mixing the 2. The the claims I was referencing, the 20, 10 from 20, that that mainly is from an internal perspective from logistics center to the per to the plant.

So the customer isn’t even you know, they’re not aware of that or privy to it at all. When it comes to customer complaints, I’m not in the quality department. I don’t know the numbers, but I do know the quality manager here. And I know for a fact that he himself has utilized it, several times. I I I don’t have numbers for you on that, but I do know that, there have been a couple of times in particular where a customer calls claiming that they didn’t get something.

Yeah. And then when we send them the pictures that we download from load proof in an email and say, this is this is the truck that went directly to you. Here’s the parts. You know, if there’s any more questions, feel free to reach out. They they don’t reach out.

They they just They don’t come back. They they acknowledge that they quote, unquote found it. Oh, great. Great. So it’s it’s it’s naturally I mean, it’s like, hey.

You know? We we thought we didn’t get it or we are they weren’t sure. And then once they look at the photos and they find it, it’s like I mean, there is a, you know, they put an extra effort to find the item. Yeah. Oh, oh, we thought we only had 4, but we have 5 now type thing.

Okay. Great. Great. So how has right? I mean, how has, you know, load proof changed the culture within your team in terms of, you know, like this.

Right? Now now you guys have proof. Is it like like you mentioned that one lady, you know, she nobody has to tell her now, you know, hey, you gotta, you know, use the phone and take the photos now. Right? How has that Absolutely.

Changed the culture within your team, entire team? Oh, well, it’s definitely made a a a lot less back and forth bickering of, you know, I did. I didn’t. I I I know I put that there. No.

You didn’t. It’s it’s eliminated that, which is causing, you know, a lot better morale. You know, so you have better morale, less stress, and higher productivity because things that were taking us maybe even a couple of days to track down and figure out where exactly it was is found within minutes now. Yeah. So it’s a huge change.

Huge change? Huge is a big word. Right? We know that that means, you know, it’s improved everything for the better. Absolutely.

No. It’s it’s very much so. It it definitely is a very effective tool. And as the person who oversees the transit between the plant and the logistics center, I I personally, highly appreciate it. Great.

Great. Great. Fantastic. I mean, that’s that’s very nice to hear. See so so, you know, what is the approximate, right, very high level approximate dollar value that that this might have, you know, dollar savings that you have had this after turning on load proof for your facility?

I mean I mean, just in labor of people searching while on the clock, probably couple couple thousand a month easily. Yeah. Yeah. And then in turn of finding parts that that were lost or couldn’t be found, or preventing us from having to send out something just because a customer claimed they didn’t get it. Maybe we send it twice now, and we’re paying for shipping the second time.

So, I mean, it easily, several $1,000 a month, between labor costs or lost material or paying extra shipping to resend something. Great. Great. Great. Great.

I know so would you you know, if someone is on the fence, right, with load proofing, should I implement it or should I, you know, even try it out? Would you recommend, you know, someone, you know, implement load proof in their facility? Yeah. Absolutely. As much as I would employ or, encourage someone to get life insurance.

I mean, that’s how I look at load proof. It’s an insurance policy, and a very good one at that and easy to use. So, I I don’t I don’t even think it would be a debate, personally. I would I would, without a doubt, tell them. Absolutely.

They it will not only benefit you and your company, but it will make it to where your employees have a lot better relationship with each other with morale and efficiency as well. Wow. That is nice. I mean, it it basically changes the culture of the team. I mean, people have better morale.

People are, you know, trusting everyone and, you know, they can pull out proof and show it to the customers. Right? They they are a lot more, you know, and and and they’re not wasting time on, you know, unproductive dash looking for stuff. Absolutely. Great.

Great. Absolutely. So is there anything else that we can do for you, Jason, you know, in terms of load proof, you know, any other capability, anything else that would, you know, you know, help you guys on the floor? Are any anything else we can do for you? You know, when we, before coming on here, I tried to think I I figured that might be a question.

You know, what, and and, honestly, it works really well the way it is. I haven’t come across anything where I was like, I wish it had this or I wish I could do that on it. I I I I’m sorry not to have a good answer for you, but that’s that’s that’s the best I can do with that. It it really does. It doesn’t it doesn’t leave you wanting or desiring it to have anything else with it because it it does the job as intended.

Great. Great. Great. Great. Great.

Fantastic. I mean, you know, that’s all that’s all I wanted to hear. I mean, Jason, thank you very much for taking the time. And you’re with Bosch Rexroth. Right?

Bosch Rexroth. Correct? Yep. Okay. Yes, sir.

Okay. Great. Great. Yeah. I mean, you know, that’s that’s one only thing that I was missing.

Okay. Perfect. I mean, thank you for taking the time to join this call, and thank you for sharing the, you know, testimonial. And that’s what right? I mean, at the end of the day, I mean, I’m I’m not gonna call my baby ugly.

Right? When I tell people, hey, man. Loadproof is great. They’re like, you know, you’re you’re a sales guy. That’s how they look at me.

But, you know, when a when a end user like yourself that been that have used this and how long have you guys been using using Loadproof at your facility? I wanna say it’s been 4 to 6 months. I wanna say at least 4, probably 6 months. 6 months. Okay.

I’m horrible with time. I apologize. That’s alright. That’s alright. See, that’s what right?

That is the key. I mean, you know, you’re on the floor, you know, day in, day out shipping orders, you know, receiving products and, you know, managing team of people that are doing all that. And, you know, when when you guys say, you know, it’s different from what I say. So that’s what we wanted to hear. And and, you know, you know, Jason, thank you for taking the time.

And if you think of anything else, hey, Puja, this might be interesting. This might be nice for us to, you know, have this in the mobile device or mobile app, you know, please let us know and we’ll be happy to, you know, make that for you. I’ll be happy to. Thank you so much. Okay.

Sounds good. Thank you for the time. Hey. You as well. Bye bye.

Thank you. Bye. Yeah.