American Textile LoadProof Rollout – Case study

American Textile LoadProof Rollout – Case study

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Alright. So, before we go ahead, Chrissy, so what were the, actual problem that your team was trying to solve before, you know, like, using your proof? Before so, you know, what happens typical day is the VC auditors are out on the floor, and they’re auditing to make sure when our, pillows or whatever the product is, mattress covers, it’s a bedding. We we do bedding. So it’s mattress covers, pillow covers, pillows, comforters, bed of blankets.

So they will open up up the cartons and count to make sure that the count is accurate. And then the primary goal, that in in receiving. So our QC team, uses it for receiving, documenting, truckload coming in. If it says it’s 16, pallets, we we used it, you know, if you count 16. And now we’re using load proof to take pictures, to document all that, one one place to gather all that information instead of having one little spreadsheet here, some documents here, handwritten notes.

Everything is now in one area. Huge time saver, and much easier to to fight and dispute chargebacks. And and that’s really what vendor compliance on the compliance manager, we really review and we look at chargebacks and we dispute those on a on a daily basis as needed. If they tell you, hey. You you shipped us grade b pallet.

Here’s the here’s the picture. Here’s the proof. Now we shipped to grade a heat treated, or we shipped, you know, CHEP instead of CHEP heat treat. Now here’s the here’s the document. Here’s the proof.

We shipped to CHEP heat treated. So those type of things. And now we just have one database. We all go into load proof. Everything is there.

Easy to access, and and really easy to use. Very user friendly, so we do enjoy it. But before, it was very much we were putting everything in an Excel spreadsheet, documenting. Our team is responsible for catching potential violations. So, we would document, okay.

And I’ll give you an example. Cool. Floor loaded. Okay. We were shipping Kohl’s out on a pallet.

By shipping it on a pallet, that’s a $250 charge when it goes to Kohl’s. So we were writing all that down manually, typing it in textiles Mhmm. All that duplicate work. Now we see it, take the picture, document it right there, and we’re done. And at the end of the day, we’ll we’ll we can download all the that information.

We review it. We do do a weekly, and I can send you one if you wanna see it. We do do a weekly recap at each facility on potential saves. For instance, this week let me look at one of them. Oh, yeah.

You can go ahead, you know, like, share your screen if you wanna, you know, like I will. Let me see. I’m not the greatest at it, but I will. And, Kartik, did you allow it to yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. I did. I did. Okay. Did you?

Okay. Okay. Alright. Let’s see. Now do I just let me see.

Are you sure You could see a green share screen button in the bottom, and you can yeah. Up here. Yep. You can go and check it out. Can you see?

Oh, wow. That that looks awesome. In it? Yep. Yep.

Yep. Okay. So you can see these are our customers Mhmm. For the most part, for that week that, this is how many cartons were audited. Mhmm.

These are the miss the potential violations. Everything we do is potential because it’s it’s caught beforehand. Mhmm. This is the accuracy. Mhmm.

And then as we go through, this is the potential that was captured for that one facility, Dallas, for that week. We caught about $8,000 worth of potential chargeback. So that’s a savings. Mhmm. And then we really go through production, and we go through our shipping notes.

We do a blitz. Again, they open opening up the cartons, that type of thing. Then if there was any CT path, which we use, the seal, number, we use it a lot for CT path violations, which really helps us continue to earn that certification. So it’s it’s it’s a great feature. We use it we use it often.

Alright. And you guys use lopetroof to have this audit completed? Is that what you’re Yes. Mhmm. Mhmm.

That’s that’s pretty great. And and this is and this is, you know, 7,900, just over 7,900 for the week? For the week. I’ll show you another one. Facility.

Mhmm. Yep. I’ll show you another one. That’s great. Let me see.

I’ll share our big facility, which I think it came from Melissa. Just gotta bear with me for me because I have so many emails. Yeah. No problem. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So this is a big one. Can you see it?

Yeah. 64. Can you see that? Yep. So this one, g That’s 1 week.

That’s 1 week. Yeah. One facility. That’s exactly right. So what happened is JCPenney, when they went into audit, all the GS 1, the the shipping labels were on the wrong spot.

And JCPenney charges for each carton. And so huge, huge, huge you can see we put a specific name because that was a a lot. It’s over $60 just for that one customer. 241 cartons. We captured all that and load proof, and we communicated it out.

And this is typically just senior management so that they can see, you know, there’s some opportunities there for improvement. So we really do break it down by customer, by accuracy, pallet audits, pallet errors, pallet accuracy, or cartons. So we do break it down. And we do that on a daily basis, but the we we send this out, on a weekly basis, the VC auditors. This is really great information.

Thank you very much. It looks like Oh, sure. It’s it’s really load proof is really, helping this process and Team loves it. The team’s feedback, you know, and I’m a big believer in getting the teams get their thoughts and and everything, and they really they they love it. It’s a huge time saver.

They’re writing notes down on post its, going back to your desk, typing everything in. It’s it’s a one stop shop, and and they they really use it and they love it. It’s good stuff. That’s great. That’s that’s the idea, to shorten up those steps, you know, and, you know, get everything in at one centralized location where the whole team can access it and, you know, where they’re not having to, you know, share information back and forth and send information back and forth.

It’s it’s it’s been a really it’s it’s it’s it’s great. We love it. Great. So so I wanted to ask, you know, because I I kind of came in a little bit later, and I wanted to ask, you know, where did you guys first hear about us or do you remember I found you I found you, on the Internet. I was on some white pages, and, it just brought me to to you, because I was I I hated our auditing process.

It’s very it’s barbaric. You know, it’s just so old, and I said there’s gotta be a better way. And through that, I came to some white pages. There were some testimonials, and then I kept pulling and it brought me to to Moteproof. Wow.

Yep. That’s how we we found you. That’s great. That’s great. So so, yeah.

And and, you know, and and they must be, you know, loving the fact that you found load proof as well, you know, and brought it to the team and hey, I found this great tool and now it’s helping us and so now, you know, you’re probably, you know, getting the pat on the back type of, type of thing there, which is what we see with with some of the other accounts that we work with. Right. Even people get promotions and those things. Fingers crossed. Raises and raises.

Yeah. Yeah. Those kinds of things. So hopefully, that’s coming here and as we keep, you know, keep keep this going and keep resolving issues every week. It it’s really great because, you know, there’s so much information.

There’s so many audits. There’s so many shipments. You can’t remember everything from day to day. So it’s just it’s it’s a quick snapshot. It really has all the details.

And then when you do have to go back, a chargeback can come in a month later, 2 months later, and boom, there it is. It’s all in that snapshot. It’s it’s easy to review it, and it makes it much easier, and quicker to dispute that charge and and earn that reversal. And that’s what it’s about. So when you do get an actual charge back when it hits the books, you can go back to your load proof documentation, and then you can say, okay.

Wait a minute. Here here’s the proof. We shipped compliant, and that’s disputed, and, 2 or 3 weeks later, you win that just, you know, you win that reversal, which is nice. Right. And, you know, and and how do you argue with photos?

You know, so That’s exactly right. It’s like, hey, you shipped the the the wrong pallet. It’s like, well, here’s the proof that we shipped, you know, the CHEP pallets that we’re supposed to ship. Yep. And we do.

We document a lot. We really do. That’s what it’s all about. And it really it’s a quick, easy guide, very user friendly. Mhmm.

Yeah. Yep. And in some cases, your friend is documentation. Just document, document, document, and then you’ll have that when you need it. That’s right.

And, you know, and you showed us some of the results that you’ve achieved, you know, since, implementing load proof and you know, as far as so that’s where you’re seeing probably the most savings is in the, you know, charge backs and That’s right. That’s the things. Not only the not only on the time savings that you’re seeing, with a more efficient process, but also on the the charge backs is probably the more heavier. Yeah. Right.

Absolutely. So we’re avoiding getting those charges in. If we you know, that documentation, those pictures, all all that, if if we weren’t if we didn’t have that in place, we would be hit with $66,000 in charges. So as customers today, more so than ever, are hitting us hard because they need that extra, you know, financial help because of COVID. But there’s you know, that’s where some of that they’re really being aggressive on charges, so we have to be really, very detail oriented and and very strict in in making sure that we’re documenting as well as we can so we can review.

Yeah. And then protect yourself from that liability. Absolutely. Absolutely. That’s what we’re hearing out there as well is that, you know, these retailers, they’re going aggressively after charge backs.

They’re looking for ways to, you know, bring in more money for their business, and a lot of those retailers, they were affected last year through the what was happening with the, you know, COVID and so so yeah. So all of that stuff kind of rolls downhill and, you know, we gotta protect ourselves, you know, from that lag Absolutely. And, yeah. Yeah. When load proof was, you know, like, first introduced, how did the users, like, receive it?

Did they, like, pick the pick everything off load proof just like that? Or Well, we had you know, I set up training classes for everybody. Mhmm. So I had training classes for the VC auditors. They report in through me.

So we met with them, and they all did really well. We we had a lot of, you know, the 1st week or 2 setting everybody up and getting used to it. It it you know, there was took some time, especially if we have multiple loads, because you’re switching from one load to the next. Yeah. The park load feature.

Yeah. So that took a a little bit of time, but once everyone got the hang of it and then change you know, anytime you have change, you you have to have that flexibility. Yeah. Yeah. But, I would say within 1 to 2 weeks, we’re actually we have, a new auditor in our Tifton location.

I have a new team member here in Duquesne. So they’re just now walking through it. And, again, within a day, they’re they’re getting it. So it takes a week or 2 to really, you know Understand all of the all of the capabilities and functions. Yes.

It’s it’s a huge from from where we were to where we are today. It’s great. Mhmm. Great. Like I said, the only area that we’re you know, for the wish list for the team seems to be the camera, the quality of the pictures.

So, otherwise, everyone is really enjoying it. Yeah. So, yeah. We can definitely, you know, like, have it configured, after we finish this session with you. I’ll let you know the next steps on that.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Because yeah. We’ve added a lot of, different, you know, capabilities, probably since we kicked this off, with you guys and there’s just a couple of settings that we can change to improve the photo quality.

Great. So we just gotta show you how to, you know, how to do that and, I believe Kartik was trying to reach out to a couple members, and he was just having a little bit of a challenge. Sure. Sure. Just because it was so crazy out there.

But No. Absolutely. And we can set up, you know, maybe next week. If you have some time, we could set up a meeting to to kinda go through all that. I would love that.

Oh, yeah. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Let’s do that.

Yeah. Yeah. We’d be happy to do that. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. Great. Alright. And And then, you know, and then I just I I have a, you know, a list of questions here. I’m going down and, you know, so as far as, you know, how likely are you to recommend us to, you know, you know, a friend or colleague or, you know, someone within your network or, you know, and then why would someone, why should someone take action, you know, now?

Just the exact same reason we did. You know? You’re using multiple systems. You’re writing things down on paper. You know, it’s it’s a one one one shop stop.

You know? One stop shop. You you do everything right there. You have a snapshot. It just much makes disputing that much quicker, much easier.

So you you don’t have to go to 6 different databases. You don’t have to go to 6 different areas. You go to one area. There’s your backup and dispute it. Now we still have to attach a bill of lading and and some other things, but this gives you the proof, if you will, that we did ship compliant.

And here’s the documentation. Here’s the pictures. Right. Absolutely. And argue and argue with this, you know.

Absolutely. Truth is in the picture. Yeah. Right. So that’s great, that’s really great.

Thank you so much, and, you know, and and you’ve already kind of touched on, you know, what you like about tool so far, it’s, you know, one centralized location, it’s easy to use, you know, easy easy to implement and easy training as far as, you know, it’s kinda it’s pretty straightforward, and, you know, and so so we touched on that and, yeah. That pretty much covers all of my questions as far as I have one more as far as Yep. What suggestions, you know, do you have to improve the product or, you know, what would you like to see added? I know we touched on the quality, picture quality piece, but, you know, are there any, any features? And I know that we and Cartag maybe be able to help out.

We, you know, we may have added some features on in the past based on some of the feedback that we got. Yeah. Exactly. So we we did develop some of the features, you know, like, based on the request from American Textile. And, you know, like, maybe, I can set up a call with Chrissy, and I I can explain all the features in in one go.

That’s what, I’m mentioning. So I’ll set up a go ahead. I’ll set up a call, Chrissy, and we get on a call sometime next week or next week. Absolutely. Absolutely.

It might be worth to run through all of the new new features and capabilities that we’ve added since I would love since we kicked things off just so that you guys can take advantage of those. If you guys have, any documentation or training guide on that, I would love that to pass on to the team so that we can here’s the latest. Here’s you know? So it really does help them. I’m just booking, I did go back to my team for some feedback.

But I I really think the the biggest thing that they all they all it was these pictures. The other thing that they did say is let me see. Jake’s when auditing multiple different orders, you know oh, here’s one. When when, when we are auditing multiple different orders, sometimes we’ll have 6 6 loads out there at the same time. And so one individual’s working all 6.

Boom. Boom. Boom. He got stopped. Blocked.

The the wishing that there was more information for customer name, Trello name, all that information. So, just for all the multiple areas. So you have them for the primary, but then this as you have the multiple ones, they wish they have more. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. I I I understand I understand what you’re saying. I’ll we’ll have a look on that. So the the problem with that is, you know, like, we have users who use both mobile devices and tablets. Right?

For people who use mobile devices, their screen is comparatively small. So if we add more information for each workload so, you know, like, that’s gonna cause some challenges. So that’s the reason why we, you know, like, just put the primary information on top. But, yeah, we’ll we’ll definitely have yeah. We’ll have a look into it.

Okay. Good. Yeah. So but those that’s that’s those are the two main areas, I would say. Mhmm.

Yeah. Regarding the image quality, I think we already have that figured out. It’s just a configuration. We work on that together. And yeah.

So regarding the feedback session, Ernest, do you have any other questions from your end? No. That that covers all of my questions, and then we can set up a meeting for next week, you know, find a new find a time for next week. Mhmm. How about how about, like, devices and everything?

You know, devices, you guys are all set and everything’s working? Right now, we’re good. We just actually our IT team just we just gave them a list and everything. So right now, we’re in good shape with the devices. Everything’s working.

We’re in good shape. Next Friday, I am pretty open except for 1:15 meeting. So next Friday looks really good if that works for you guys. Perfect. Or, you know, like, if you just you know, like, I’ll just go ahead and change the configuration alone for the image quality so we’ll have some good quality images starting from today.

And Okay. Yeah. I’ll just you know, like, we can run through the all the other features on on next Friday if that works. Alright? That’s perfect.

Yeah. And, you know So it’s literally a setting. Yeah. So we just want we wanna show you where that is too so that you know where it is. Alright.

Yeah. I love that. Yeah. And I’ll just stop the recording. We just recorded this this call, you know, like, as our boss will wanted to have a look at the field.

Yeah. How, you know Right. That seems like it’s quality and training purposes. Exactly. Know.

I know. I know. I’ll just go

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at Also follow him at
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