LoadProof Video Testimonial – Hector Pulido, Hawker Pacific Aerospace


Okay. So we would say that so, like, now we have 3 deals. We have You’re saying that the the QR code right now is giving you the sales order number Mhmm. And the carton ID? Yes.

7 digits and 5 digits. Got it. Because that carton ID should be capturing what you’re asking for, which is the The carton. No. The carton ID.

Customer The carton ID. The carton? We’re gonna stop reset. Maybe we could run and get a box, but, no, it’s the carton number. It’s the x of y.

Right? It’s x of y. There are 5 cartons, say carton 1, carton 2, carton 3, carton 4, carton 5. Yeah. We get 0 1.

Correct. Right. But, I mean, we could supply a file that matches those card numbers that tells you what’s in each one of those cards. So that’s outside of the scope of this. For load proof, we just need to know I want, like, 4 things.

I want load proof to be able to know s o, the carton number, meaning the one of Whatever is there now. Right? Whatever is there now. Yeah. What’s there now?

Yep. We’re already getting it through the QR. Now you’re gonna get the ID number. We want the ID number, which corresponds to an SSCC on an ASN label. Go ahead.

Okay. So that is a 20 byte carton number. Right? That is a 20 byte carton ID. Now what does that 20 byte carton ID contain?

Everything that it is the contents of the box Mhmm. With all the shipping information. But it’s like the PO, the customer, the door that it’s going to, that carton ID. So when I pull up the carton ID in my system, I get everything. I get that.

I get what it corresponds to, but it’s how many it’s going to I’ll I’ll I’ll answer that question. So what it is is it’s according to the GS one standard. Right? There are certain prefixes and certain suffixes and certain numbers that we have to follow. That’s why the 20 byte is.

And there is a makes send a certain nomenclature for the pallet ID as well, and there is a certain nomenclature for bill of lading number. So for CARTON ID, as per GS one standards, it’s 20 byte long, and then you can pick and choose. You guys, based on the site where it is shipping from, you can pick and choose, you know, all those prefixes and things like that. That’s all and that’s all generated in WMS, wireless management system. What is your WMS?

It’s called the Orbit. Orbit? Okay. So that generates that number. And then, you know, that’ll be printed in that that 20 byte cotton number.

You can track that all over the world. I mean, technically, right, because that’s unique. And that is also printed on that shipping label. You know, if there is a, you know, carrier label, UPS label, carrier label, you know, yellow or something like that, it’ll be it’ll be printed on that label as well. And and sometimes the WMS will put 2 labels, 1 for the partial carrier or, you know, LTL carrier versus one for us to identify within US supply chain itself.

Right? So that’s what the 20 by carton ID is. I’m good. He’s I’m yeah. I get that.

A 100%. So you want the sales order, the carton ID, the, PO number, and what else? The carton x of y. So we have the sales order number and we have the carton x of y, which is, you know, 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5. Right?

I mean, we don’t have that. We’re not speaking the same we’re not speaking the same nomenclature right now. Well, my ID numbers, I’m saying you want Your ID number is 20. You want my 3rd two digit UPC code that’s on that card? Let me just get a box.

Can I get a box? Yeah. Can I get a box? Can Noreen’s deal on that, the box? I can’t touch it.

I don’t know. Because that’s what really identifies the carton accurately within your supply chain. It could be your WMS orbit or it could be a customer is complaining. You know, that is that is a 20 byte number. That’s what everybody uses, and that’s also in the label.

So when they scan that label, that’s what they read. Right? Yes. I’m agreeing with everything you guys are saying. I I mean, the I’m saying I’m saying I think we already captured that information.

I know. I just wanna I’ve I’ve been the QR code. The QR code gives you the ID number. Mhmm. So when you scan the ID, it gives you the ID number.

The QR code gives you SO and then I get the card ID number. I get the card ID number. I get the ID. For for you, we’re only scanning the the information that you want, which is the sales of What’s what in that QR code, if I look at it, it’s gonna be, like, 01124240000 1. That’s all that that QR code does have.

And but that one ties into my carton ID number. It’s a part of your carton ID number. Correct. Correct. So it’s carton 1 of that shipment, which is my 20 digit.

What he’s saying is my 20 digit So that’s 5 that one is 5 of that part of the QR code, it’s 5 digits of your 20 digit carton update? Correct. Okay. It’s carton 1, carton 2, or whatever. Built the carton with that.

Correct. Correct. I mean, you guys have made it easy to handle in the QR code by you know, you’re just hey. Let’s call it as 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5. I mean, we’re technically not calling the 5 of 5.

Yeah. Just 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But you start putting the entire card ID in the queue. Because the QR code might not have space. Right?

That was the thought process. But I’ll tell you, you know, we can put a lot more data in the QR code because the QR code has been no. We call it right now. Right? Nowadays, we call it as QR code.

It’s called as the maxi code back in the days. Right? UPS has been using that for a long time, more than 20 years ago. Right? But the more the more complex you make it, the harder it WMS to read that.

That’s the problem. Got it. Got it. Well, that makes sense. So that was the thought process.

Doing the programming to do that. That’s why he’s using 12345. Got it. That makes sense. Okay.

Okay. So he I was in there. I it it just I should say, I don’t think otherwise, Dave would be right in the program forever to get us all this information. Now we can supply the file, obviously, that ties into that QR code, which is the sales order number and the carton ID. And then we have that carton ID.

It corresponds to that UPC code that’s on the on the box, which is the carton ID. 20 byte carton ID. Yeah. Got it. So I guess I would I would take a step back and, you know, try to understand, what is the reason for having that 20 byte carton ID, carton barcode, carton number, and the QR code, Raj?

It’s faster for you to to go to get through your app to find the exact box that’s been scanned at that particular time. It’s easy to track. It’s easy to track because you can just go and find that 20 byte card instead of, hey. This is 1. This is 2.

This is 3. This is 4. Video stop video. Exactly. Got it.

So let yeah. Is this this is the Nordstrom PO? You’re not gonna get that. What’s here is here. And this But this is this.

So this is where I’m getting my someone If I scan this and I scan this, I get the same result? Yes. Even with the prefix of the 0 there? Yep. Yeah.

Same. In my system. Yeah. In the WMS. Yeah.

And in okay. So remember, this created a packing list Yes. Right, per box, which has right in here. And that’s how this got created. So this comes out when you go on to the trucker’s website.

This is the information that’s going in there. What’s his name? When the picker closes the order and it’s picked, it’s ready to be sealed, they close the order or they close that carton Correct. And WMS generates this form Into a package slip. Cut in half.

Yes. Or Because the bottom half of this label is on the inside with the packing slip. Correct. But that is all that is all the data that is systematically tied to this when an ASN is sent. Correct.

Got it. Correct. Okay. So Correct. Yeah.

Yeah. I’m just, I know I play it dumb and repetitive. It’s not dumb and sarcastic. Names. So I understand that this will get me to this, but the purpose of the QR QR code to me a few things.

I have a once once we’re done drilling, picking John’s brain, I wanna move over and start to discuss the portal and next steps for custom on the customer side, Puga. K. So that’s coming from. Yep. Fair enough.

Yep. For me, there are a few pieces of metadata that I would like to have that the one piece of metadata I would like to have for me looking through the portal is p l. Okay. So let’s keep that in mind. Yeah.

For a customer for a customer, there are 2 I would like to be able to distinguish by customer when I search to have customer as a piece of metadata so that maybe we can say, I can give I can give Nordstrom a login, and I can tie them to Nordstrom, the metadata, and that way they can see only Nordstrom cartons. Absolutely. Yep. We can do that. Yeah.

That’s the because right now, my understanding is that sharing information with the customer is email based where we can’t if I ship 80,000 cartons a year to Neiman Marcus, I can’t have them get 80,000 videos via email. So we would need some other type of solution to share this data with the customer, and I think access to the portal with like, we can limit permissions on people now. Correct. Correct. One more permission that says that selects the customer metadata that of the customers that are available, 1 or more, that piece of metadata gives you that.

So that’s one additional piece of metadata I would love to find to get away into load proof, possibly from a QR. I don’t know. If I supplied you with the file that we use to transmit to the retailer, that is the ASN number. So it’s the ASN number per box per per, like, you know, per retailer per PO. It’ll be a flat line of of everything for that particular box.

So if I gave you that I transmit that file to the retailer. If you got a copy of that file, wouldn’t that help you resolve this with with, So so you’re saying look it up with the PO number, look up that file and find the customer yourself? I’m saying you can look it up any way you want by PO, by customer. You know, we I have to so the the the label that’s being processed here Yep. Right, which is their I go on to their transportation system and get that ASN.

Yep. My information is all here Yep. On my table. Yep. So it’s on their label.

Yep. It’s in a file. I already transmitted to Correct. Correct. You are invoicing.

Right? You’re invoicing them and it’s all the invoice information. You, then you have the same exact information, and then and then he could do the searches exactly what he’s talking about right now. Whether it’s by customer, by PO, by date shipped, by anything, by trucker. It could be you could be able to track it by anything.

I think I think here is what we would need. I mean, is it possible to add the purchase order number and the customer ID in the to the QR code? I don’t know that, but it it you know, it we probably can. It’s gonna take them a little time. Okay.

If if saying it can’t be done. Just saying it’s gonna take Correct. Correct. Fair enough. Fair enough.

I think it it’s it’s, you know, I think I think if we get a customer ID see, obviously, I don’t know what your customer ID is. Right? Is it like a 20 byte field or 30 byte field that says not store? There’s a limit there’s a limit to the number. It’s like 10 Neemons.

Something like that. Yeah. Like, it’s maybe 8 bytes. I can look at what the limitation is. Two numbers, 1 hyphen, a couple of, numerals.

And and is that is that easy for someone to search? I know I mean, is it easy for someone to search with that number within load proof? Yeah. It would be, like, 10 Neemons, 10 Nordstrom, Macy’s, Blumies, Macy’s. Okay.

Like Okay. If you put a big box gap on the I keep calling them. For the department stores, it’ll be really easy for them to for anyone who has the context to access this portal to figure it out. Got it. So we can do this.

I mean, all we need is you guys are already sending sales order number. The card and accept y is coming. If you could send along with that the purchase order number because we need that ability to search by purchase order number And then the customer ID, that’s all we need. Right? If you guys send it, then we’ll set up the filter criteria by customer ID.

So there is something called, you know, customer user that we can create within load proof. And you can have customer user 1, which is for Nordstrom, customer user 2 for Macy’s, customer user 3 for Bloomingdale’s. Right? You can have that. And when they when they log in with their customer user of call call Nordstrom, we can set up filter criteria so they see only Nordstrom purchase orders.

Right? We can set that up. Alright. So similar logic that we have applied for on the category, Facebook and Notebook. Okay.

Here, we have a customer ID. When they log in, we can tag that customer to that specific ID. Yeah. Yeah. They can search or search search the PO, and they would be able to see only the records associated with that customer.

Correct. Correct. The so Now Mhmm. Yeah. The next and I feel like this is as far as my brain can go right now, with this project.

The next critical step is, say, we have a world where knee Neiman Marcus loss prevention can log in to load proof and see the the 10 Neiman’s carton videos, and they can search by PO, by SO, by carton, how they need to Oh, they can do that. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. They can do that.

Now if you think of what a DC and somebody in a DC, an asset protects protection manager in Texas Yep. Carton that has a tear in it, They they bring their tablet or their laptop out, and they They dig for it and upload it to load proof again. They can do that, but Absolutely. Before that before that, the SSCC number on here, that’s their reference number. If they can search the SSCC number, they can be holding this and saying, look how tampered it is.

Look. It’s missing This is so we got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Absolutely. Access CC, and I can see that video on my tablet. Absolutely. We can do that. See, the only thing is what I would recommend is then we gotta figure out a way to send that 20 byte number also to us, right, through the through the, QR code.

So then what would happen that SSCC 20 byte carton number will be there in the so we’ll call it as 2 records. Right? So there is a departure record when it’s shipping out of Ferguson Associates ICPDC warehouse, and then there is arrival record. You know, it’s new whoever it is. Right?

Newmans I’m sorry. Bloomingdale’s or Macy’s or Nordstrom, whoever that is, they can take a photo and then, you know, upload that with the metadata of with where the SSCC number is the metadata, the 20 byte card number. And you guys can see, hey. This is the condition when it left the, you know, ICP Ferguson associate warehouse, and this is the condition when it arrived at, you know, what is it, Nordstrom warehouse. You can do so you can see both.

So okay. I think before that, though, right, so weird context is our context is we’re, like, in the thick of battle with several of our retailers right now Yep. Protest hardbacks. Yep. And the urgent immediate piece is I need a way to share these videos with them.

Them. As it stands right now, I think the way that I have to share these videos with them is have a OneDrive, and I have to download the videos and send a folder probably by shipping order to them. Or there’s another way that you can report an Excel file. Okay. I send that Excel file that we discussed.

So it will install the record. And if they want to see any video, they can just search the SO number, and they can look at the video. Click on the link, and then it’ll open the video. Files, what file you need to send? So whether it might be So, like, that file I sent me where I had 64 videos, I could send to them.

They just need a login? They don’t they don’t even need a login. I have done that whole this one. It’s a link along with Excel. Even in Just use that.

So so they don’t have to send every video for them in an email as well. So if you even share that Excel report, they can to do something, though, to because I messed I sent, like, my wife or something a video, and I think it asked her for a login. Yeah. That was the case before. But yesterday evening, what I did was turn the lookup feature for the site.

So now even if you share to anyone else, they’ll be able to for example, if you send it to John, John doesn’t have a login right now. So if he Is there a way to make those links expire? Yeah. Yes. Yes.

After a 100 clicks, it’ll expire. Yes. Because Let’s cut it down to, like, 5. But yeah. That’s good.

Yeah. That’s good. But we have a limit. We can’t, exceed that limit. Yeah.

And then I have to send them a new one. Correct. Exactly. Yep. Yeah.

If that expires. Got it. Okay. I like it. Correct.

So that’s how we can do it right now, which, you know, before going into the details and having the QR code added with more POs and customer ID, making it more, you know, replicated. So this is the easier way that we can do it right now, which also makes our job easier to, you know, share those records with the customers. Makes sense. Okay. I gotta run.

Sorry. You know, if you guys need anything So you want you want me to so what I think, I’m gonna talk to David. I’m gonna speak to David. On the QR code. Like, if you guys on the load proof side, I can list requirements.

I could send them to you. I could send them to load proof. Yep. But anything that we scan, and I scan everything, is in a file. So if files are useful to you as far as flat files that you can get information of, I’m happy to share them and see if you can use them.

And maybe you can. Maybe you can. Maybe it’s a pretty help I mean I mean, the the challenge with I mean, I would prefer we add it as part of the QR code so we can scan and capture it. You know? That is the easiest way, but, I mean, we can deal with file.

I mean, it’s not a it’s not like it cannot be done, but we have to build another connection. Right? There is one more integration that we have to build between load proof and your system. Gonna make his job easier or he has to go find it. So that’s obviously and and for me, this is this number, obviously, like, which is the same as in the ASN, it writes down to the package.

Correct. That is that is I mean, it’s good to have that information. Yes. And and not only that. Right?

You guys can talk to Nordstrom. Whoever it is, whoever is receiving the box, you can tell them, hey. This is the 20 byte SSCC card number. Please, you know, look for this. Right?

Whereas the x of y, which gets a little confusing to have that conversation with them. The beauty is they’re supposed to be scanning in every package. Correct. Correct. Yeah.

They’re supposed to. Yep. Yep. But they’re not. But they’re not.

See see, here is the I’ll tell you why it’s probably not happening because, right, everybody especially with all this advancement notice we have, everybody tries to automate it. So if they’re doing pallet level receiving and you guys are you know, they’re receiving the entire pallet by scanning 1 pallet ID lay label, now they’re prop not just receiving the entire pallet in one shot because because once that relationship gets built and ICP is a trusted vendor for them and you guys have been doing, you know, super awesome in terms of vendor performance metrics for them, then they would just you know what? Hey. We know ICP. You know, we trust them.

They do a great job for us. You know, just scan one scan pallet and then receive. Boom. They do that. Right?

And that’s part of the reason why they have that ASN and all that. Right? That’s never gonna happen, I hate to say. So, unfortunately Okay. Because we we have great relationship with ICP.

We have a great relationship with MFK. Okay. I still can’t I can’t I can I can scan their pallet label Yep? But I don’t trust that distributor because every time I pick down the Fair enough. Every time I pick down the receiving, it takes me instead of 48 hours, it takes me 4 days because they have everything mixed.

Correct. Correct. That’s a that’s a pretty standard. Right? This happens all the time in the receiving dock.

And and, you know, I mean, I I used to, you know, implement these systems when I was with Manhattan. And and and, you know, we tried to optimize. Right? And all that. This is this is how typically it’s done.

So, you know, I’m just sharing you know, I’m trying to guess why they might not scan each box. You know, maybe they’re doing pallet level receiving. Right? They didn’t even talk to them. Let me talk to them.

Got it. Thanks. I didn’t Okay. So you’re gonna go get So that’s the premise. I think I think, phase we have phase 1 and to maybe maybe next week, we sit and we debrief Correct.

When we’re not in the work in the chaos of warfare and the warehouse and everything. Okay. There’s a lot happening this week. Yep. At least at least the process is streamlined now.

Right? The videos are uploading pretty fast. I feel very confident in the stability that Shiba has been able to provide for the solution. Correct. Correct.

Correct. And kudos to this guy. Yeah. I mean, this that’s the last leg that we just never, you know, finished it. Right?

I mean, that was that is that is the it’s part of the process. That’s that’s good. I mean, it’s good that the timing kind of, you know, worked out because you guys wanted to deploy all the tablets and be ready for it rather than just having one that having shipped out. So phase 1 is in place. I think phase 2 is getting the QR code updated with PO and and customer number Yeah.

Where I can configure a customer account and have them see everything that we ship to them. Yep. And then phase 3 is getting SSCC number in there as well. Maybe that comes simultaneously. Got it.

But being able to search by SSCC And then when they log in, they can say, I have a problem with this box. Let me check it. Correct. They can And and that’s a real time view. Yeah.

That’s real time Real time real time fighting of chargebacks at the point of reception. Correct. Even it won’t even, give rise to a new chargeback. They can even just see it by themselves and, you know, it will eliminate all the back and forth communication and, you know, see what they’re saying. And beyond that, one thing I like about Verkada is that I can see who accesses.

I can see every time somebody looks at a video. Okay. If able to see every time a customer logs in, I feel like that’s next like, it’s baseboard. Right now what we have is, you can manage you can see when the customer has logged into the system. Mhmm.

That’s something we have a user track based right now. So you can see at what time, time and dates they have logged in and IP address as well. So we have that information. But to be able to see what video they looked at would be Yeah. Yeah.

That would be Money. Next year. Exactly. Think about the evidence you have now. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I see that your Texas DC account name has made, Marcus, looked at this video. You saw it.

We can track that. I mean, we can track that. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That’s what, David, we want to get that, but, you know, at the phase one, as I mentioned, clearly, first to get that into QR code. And then the second phase from our end would be to filter out and give that access to the respective customer.

Mhmm. So that would be, phase 2 of Alright. Yep. Very productive. Great.

We at Feldman Group Yep. Come in there, the 3rd party consulting firm working with us on loss prevention to help us develop a more long term strategy. Correct. Correct. Correct.

You’ve had an opportunity to speak with them, after you left. They were very impressed with the solution. Okay. Nice. They had a lot of ideas that we just spoke about.

Oh, yeah. Stuff we can build on and expanding the security ecosystem that we built out there. So Nice. Nice. Productive day.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Great. I mean, thank you for the partnership for us.

I mean no. Yeah. Yeah. My pleasure. Yep.

Like I said, I really believe in the product you have. So Nice. Nice. Nice. I mean, we are, yeah, we are rolling it out in many, many places as we speak.

Yeah. Yeah. Nice. Any other questions you have, Puka, from your end? No.

No. I think I mean, what we’ve really, you know, trying to do or, you know, have done is that make it even more robust. Right? That’s what we are we are doing. You know?

For example, it’s gonna also, you know, start reciting. If the Internet connection is lost, it’s gonna start reciting. Hey. Connection lost. Connection lost.

Connection lost. So it alerts people in advance. And also after if the queue gets looped, like, 200 videos or so, then, you know, it will start flashing. So people know, hey. There is something wrong.

We gotta look at it and things like that. So we are, you know, building more. Right? I mean, you know, that’s the that’s the, you know, usually that’s the challenge because it’s tough to sit here in the, you know, development team with the development team and think of every single thing that could go wrong. But once we are on-site, we know how the people are doing it, how they’re executing the process.

And everything makes lot more sense and, oh, no. This is how they’re doing it. So that’s what we’re doing. So we are making their app lot more robust, you know, catching any other exceptions or anything that might go wrong. So we might give you guys couple more builds just to, you know, make that all rock solid.

So we we need someone to know, assist with that and, you know, put in that latest build and things like that. I think Shiv will I’ll be here once every week, probably every Thursday, and I have I had Shiv trained, Dizon, who’s an intern on my team, who’s on here site here 2 days a week as well. Okay. Nice. Nice.

Technology major from NYU. So he’s a sharp, sharp guy. Okay. NYU. Okay.

Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. I’ve worked with people from NYU.

Yeah. I was mentioning all the, you know, details of how this works, and he could be able to, you know, push any updates that come from our end. Correct. Correct. I think we gotta, yeah, do that.

Let’s go quickly. We got next back as well. So we’ll make sure that they run on the latest bills, and they run seamlessly on across all 4 packing stations. Correct. Correct.

Correct. Correct. Correct. Great. Great.

Fantastic. I mean, yes. Good job. Thank you. Thank you very much, Ross.

Thank you for the partnership and yeah. Thank you for the opportunity. Yeah. Mhmm. Thank you.

Thank you. Bye.

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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