LoadProof Video Testimonial – Breanna Boozer, Samsung


So, you know, Brianna, thank you very much for taking the time to join this, I know, feedback, call. You know, so if you could please, right, introduce yourself and your roles and, you know, the organization that you’ve worked for on a day to day basis. Right? What do you do? We can get started there.

Yes. My name is Brianna Buser. I work for Samsung Electronics. Sure. I work in their back office processing warranty claims, for, our warranty customers and also for our, for our retailers as well.

Okay. Okay. And and what do you do, you know, what do you do on a daily basis? And, you know, when do you, use load proof, in your, you know, day to day, activities? Day to day, I do process, claims that come in for our, for what we would use load proof for, what before our electronics, such as headpieces, headsets, and also for our television pickups.

Okay. For loadproof, we would, once we log in, enter in ticket information for our customers, we’re able to see where the trucking company has went to the home, picked up the appliance, taking pictures of what they observed with the, electronics and appliance, and also submitted their paper their delivery report regarding it where we would need their bill of lading along with the serial decals shown there to make sure that it matches what they have submitted on their claim. Okay. So so you work with Dylan and, I think, McClusa. Right?

They they make the deliveries. They run the delivery team, and you work with them closely? Yes. I am, actually, with within back office. I am a, a team member.

K. So I would deal with them as far as for making sure that everything is uploaded properly or reach out to upper management to make sure they can communicate with them easier, with using load proof with going that route versus, awaiting for our customers and having them submit additional paperwork where we can just have it there, easy access, loaded onto their ticket information or for our, files for them for our inventory. Okay. So, you know, what was the exact problem you were trying to solve before, right, without load proof? You know, how was it?

And and, you know, you know, how did you guys find load proof and, you know, how is load proof helpful? You know, could you talk about those, please? Sure. We before load proof, we would, have to await for customers, regarding throughout their busy day, having them submit documents, over to us. Sometimes it will be kinda difficult for them, unfortunately, just to make sure that they’re submitting the right information, the right serial decals that we are needing, making sure that the photos are clear.

Once they we were allowed access to Well Proof, we were able to keep that within our team, in our circle, and communicate better with the trucking company to make sure they are aware and were easily able to upload clear photos. They were able to upload multiple photos, to where we’re able to take those documents, upload them directly to the ticket, or save them onto our computer for a future reference. And it made it a lot easier for us at, like, moving through tickets and claims because because we can move forward a lot faster, making sure that everything is processed timely Mhmm. For them. And we sure that everything is processed timely Mhmm.

For them. And we can also make sure that we have the right information the first time we’re communicating that with them, making sure as well that it’s legit. So so what is the process like? I mean, those you know, obviously. Right?

The, you know, Dylan and, you know, Magluca, they run the delivery team and they his team. Right? The team of people that work for him, the drivers are making deliveries on behalf of Samsung. Right? So what happens so when that delivery doesn’t go through as planned or if some damage, something happens, then they call you and then they submit a claim with you?

Is that what happens? Right. If they have a, let’s say, a Samsung television Okay. And they are experiencing issues, it can be anywhere from not hearing, being able to hear, television’s overheating. Okay.

They will call into us, submit their complaint or claims saying that they want a repair or need it fixed. Okay. So it’s basically a warranty claim. Right? Hey.

I got warranty. I bought warranty for this appliance, Samsung appliance. You know, please help me fix it. Right? That’s that’s when they they call you.

Correct. Okay. And LowProof will come in as far as for in handy with, either our field technicians or, our trucking company is able, while they’re there, to upload the documents that are needed for our customers. Yep. And, also that what they’re needing on their end as well.

So just to show us that they did pick up the television, they were there at the home. Okay. There’s the they verify all information that the customer has submitted over to us Yep. Directly to us. Okay.

So so so it looks like so when the customer, submits a claim, warranty claim like that, you will go and check on load proof. Hey. Was it something that, you know, the team already delivered? Or it could be you know, you might not find a record as well in load proof. Right?

Because it’s completely brand new claim. Correct? Correct. Okay. And then and then you will, you know, obviously, right, you will pass on that information to, the delivery team and they will, you know, find the replacement or, you know, send the service technician to get it fixed, And then they will also take photos of, hey, having done a good job there at the, customer’s home.

Right? Location. Once it reaches, my department Yeah. We are at the end. Yeah.

So we’re just going through verifying all information, verifying that the in fact, the trucking company is there and verifying that, in fact, not only the trucking company is there and it came there. Yep. It came there timely at the the time stamp. Just verifying all the information on the ticket itself before we hit the button to go ahead and pay. Oh, okay.

So by the time it reaches to us, it’s the end. They have already communicated with us that there’s an issue. We’ve already inserted the claim. We’ve already, made sure that document documents are on file. We made sure that they came from load proof, which results in us knowing that a trucking company did, in fact, go out there to pick up these documents.

Got it. So so your job is to make sure that they’ve done a good job and you double check the photos and all that and then and then you know what this claim is, you know, what do you call, thoroughly addressed and, you know, thoroughly completed as per the customer satisfaction and close it out. Correct. Okay. And and without load proof, you know, without photos, how did you guys do that before?

I mean, it would have been really painful. Right? Correct. It would be, because, you know, our customers do have, their own day to day routine outside of, you know, waiting for us to communicate with them regarding the documents. Yeah.

If they’re home, they may be on vacation. Yeah. So it would take tickets that are needing to be processed, quite a few a few more days, two weeks, to get everything done versus, you our one of our team or the trucking companies uploaded it for them. Yeah. So it it made it a lot easier, very time efficient, accurate, very fast as far as where with delivery times and pickup as long as the customer allows that.

Yeah. So it it made it made things process a lot faster for us to having to use load proof and make sure, you know, things are actually there versus waiting on the customer to submit it over to us, whether it’s by email, by mail, or even by our our texting system. Oh oh, so so before without load proof, you will have to wait for a confirmation from the customer saying that, hey. Everything was delivered. Everything is perfectly done.

You know, you’re happy and the replacement was done or the service technician came, to your home and, you know, addressed the problem and you are back to normalcy and all that. That was your only way was to get the customer to verify it before. Correct. And now now you have, you know, the service technician, whoever is going for delivery, whoever is going to fix the problem, they are capturing photos and now you have proof to show the customers also, hey. The problem is addressed to, you know, thoroughly to your satisfaction and it is all done.

So you don’t have to wait for the customer to confirm. Now you can just show the photos as proof and say that it was done perfectly. Correct. And that also helps our customers as well, to show that we’ve we’ve got it. We got our information on file without them having to do that.

It’s just that we worry about another, task to do to make sure that they’re able to get a new appliance or electronic. Yeah. So it it helped ease them as well to release some of their duties and take some pressure off of them. Yes. Sorry.

Sorry. Could you repeat that, please? Is it for the customer or is it for the delivery person? It’s for the delivery. Okay.

Our delivery team uses it, mostly, but it helps as far as for what customers not having to take that extra step or out their day to submit it directly over to us. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They have they’ve done it.

We’ve already done it, taken care of everything for them. So it’s one less step for the customer to come back and confirm and that improves the customer experience and the customer satisfaction from your perspective? Exactly. Yes. Okay.

That’s nice. That’s nice. That’s nice. So so for you, right, for you, how has, you know, a load proof made things better? Right?

How was your life, you know, without load proof? You know, how painful was it and how was it, you know, now, not better for you in your role? For me and my role, it made it better because I’m able to once I’m able to see what documents are needing or needing to confirm that pickup is is done, such as with documents as a serial decal or, bill of lading, I’m able to just immediately sign in, enter in their ticket number, and just pull right from there within about 2 to 3 minutes. I would say 2 minutes tops. It’s easy, fast, easy to navigate.

One step is not like I have to enter in numerous pieces of information. That ticket number is enough to filter through, and I’m able to identify the ticket, confirm television. A lot of information just is right there without me having to, you know, bother with contacting the customer, immediately regarding it. Everything is right there. It’s very efficient for us, accurate, and and timely.

Easy to navigate through the through the website even if you’re not sure or, is we never run into as far as we’re downtown when the website is actually down. So it is is a key in the main website that we use here. Got it. Got it. Got it.

So so great. So so, you know, you log in to load proof system and then you double check, you know, the, you know, proof of delivery, the bill of lading, and then you, you know, look at the photos and, you know what, hey. You know? This is complete, you know, and and it’s one less step for the customer. Now you mark it as complete.

Do you go and update any other system to say that this is perfectly done or something like that? Not as far as for in Low Proof, what we would do is, now I realized too, I would like, within the last year of Low Proof have even updated even more to where we can, there’s easy save, save options on there. Yeah. Yeah. So whenever we wanna save it as a PDF or download it.

Yeah. So that has helped tremendously instead of us having to right click, save, save to file. It’s it’s right there. Okay. So it it it it moves just like a a train reaction every time.

Very repetitive. Yeah. Very easy for us. That that has helped a lot for me. Okay.

Okay. Great. So so, you know, could you list, you know, what other benefits that you see, you know, that you experience with Loadproof. Right? Apart from this, you know, one less, you know, step for the customer and then, you know, you don’t have to wait for the customer to call back.

You’re able to look at the photos and close out this, you know, warranty claim, you know, by yourself. You know, what are their benefits? I mean, the saving is very beneficial. You can shave the whole thing as a PDF. You know, what are their benefits, that you guys, experienced with Loadproof now?

I would say, the help tips that they have, they they’re very detailed even if, let’s say, you’re new as far as for 2 hour department, Low Proof itself is easy to navigate and they’re there to where it’s easy helpful tips or help topics for it. Mhmm. And the direct sheets are very clear. Mhmm. Along with, the navigation is very I would say basic enough to know exactly what you’re doing, where to enter in this information.

Mhmm. So I like that it’s it’s detailed Mhmm. But still easy to navigate as well. Okay. Okay.

And and, you know, how did you get introduced to Loadproof? You know, who gave you, you know, Loadproof and how did you, you know, find out about Loadproof? Samsung, once I got into the department, they’ve already had access to Loadproof Okay. To make our job easier and for not only just us, but for our customers as well and our trucking company. Okay.

So that’s how I was introduced to it. I I was already in the organization, and they brought it to our attention and gave us some, training on it. Yeah. It’s it’s fairly easy. So we were able to get a hang of it.

Again, one of our it’s one of our systems that we log into every day Okay. Per consultation. Oh, you guys log into it every day? Every day. Oh, okay.

Nice. Nice. Nice. And you’re, like, what, running it for 8 hours throughout your work? You keep keep keep a session open because you have to constantly look up claims?

That’s what that’s what you’re doing? Correct. We are clearing, at at least 66 claims a day Oh. Each. Yeah.

So out of those claims, we might have, I would say, about 15 TV pickups that we are needing to to use load proof for to verify if it’s not on file. Yeah. We will immediately the next step after we’ve been looking at the documents to see what is on file, immediately the next step is load proof. Great. Great.

Great. Great. Great. Okay. So, you know, would you recommend load proof to someone else that is in your role?

You know, what are what are your thoughts? Yes. With training, load proof is one of our, main, application, our main websites that you would have to use. There’s I would say there’s no way around it as far as we’re getting those documents and communicating with the trucking company and make sure that they’ve collected everything and for verification. So I would definitely recommend it.

I have to recommend it. We we definitely need it. It’s it’s a ton of help. Okay. Okay.

Great. So what are their you know, would you like any improvements to load proof? You know, what are their what are their, you know, things that we can give you that’ll make your life even better, make your life easy, you know, within load proof? I think load proof works to our expectations, for what we use it for. So I don’t have I would say, fortunately, I don’t have any, improvements that need to be done as far as for in my role Okay.

Being that it is is great. Okay. Alright. See, just just an FYI, there is also, load proof app that you can download in your smartphone and you can look up. Right?

Whatever you’re doing through the browser, you can do it from your smartphone as well now. You can log in Right. Through the smartphone and find the photos, you know, from your smartphone as well. So that’s just FYI, you know, and that is available for free now, you know, so that is also there. Okay.

Great. So anything else that you would like to add, Brianna, you know, about load proof? You know, anything else that you would like to share or, you know, that’ll be, useful for us? I mean, see, I I we are the team that creates created load proof. Right?

And we are, you know, adding more capabilities and enhancing it for our users, supporting more use cases and things like that. And and, you know, you guys are using it in a very unique way. You know, anything else, that that we can do for you here? Unfortunately, not on my end. I see that I’ve noticed that we are able to even because we use it inside of our own company system.

Yeah. You know, things happen as technology. So we’re still also able to use it outside of our systems, such as searching, like you stated, like, on a phone or just to verify the information or, our outside Internet because we do have our own private logins for it for security reasons and, due to the information that is there for our customers, so to protect them as well. Yeah. So I would I would I wouldn’t have anything, or any suggestion, again, within my role that would require more since it’s more routine as far as for what we’re using it for.

Okay. Great. Great. Great. Okay.

I mean, that’s all the questions I have. I mean, thank you very much for taking the time and, you know, for, yeah, sharing your feedback. Have a have a have a great rest of the day. You too. Mhmm.

Thank you. Bye. Bye bye.

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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