LoadProof Video Testimonial – Louis Contento

So perfect yeah so lousis thank you very much for taking the time uh you know this means a lot right because at the end of the day you know we are building systems for uh you know people like yourself uh you know um that want to prove that you guys did a great job uh you know and and and we always don’t get to talk to you know uh every single user of ours right because we really want to talk to every single one of them and get their feedback is it really working that’s very important for us. So you know the analogy that I would like to use is that you know we build race cars right but we don’t get to drive them you know you guys are the ones that are driving them so that’s a lot more fun.

So you know from that sense you know if you could please you know my name is Bash and the you know a guy that started this company and developed the product architecture and all that so you know if you could please introduce yourself and if you could please you know introduce your role and you know the um you know company and all that you know we can get started there. Yeah um my name is Louis Contento I work for NFI um I am an operations manager here um the building that I’m currently in uh we’ve actually got four different customers. Okay um some of our buildings are dedicated customers so they’ll only have one um and I’m a public account so I’ve got multiple different customers and um it’s it’s great that we can uh with the uh load proof um we can use that system for the multiple different customers they can all have their own logins um so it’s been it’s been great for each one of those customers.

Okay so so what are the you know what was the exact problem that you guys had and you thought you know what hey man I got to I got to you know have something like this and what was that exact problem that you were trying to solve. Um a couple of them actually uh so part of it one of our um one of our bigger customers in this facility they had been receiving a lot of discrepancies from their customers that were shipping these items to um and what is what was going on was um we were we were shipping everything out in full um we were auditing it just on a piece of paper um but the customer was still coming back to our customer and saying that um they’re they’re missing 32 cases of this and and 10 cases of this um so what we started doing was we we implemented load proof into our um into our everyday loads uh going out and also inbounds so I’ll touch on that but um for our outbounds this was the majority of the reason why we went ahead and did it.

Okay um was and so what we started doing was when we load two pallets we would take a picture of the load we’d load the next two pallets take a picture um so on and so forth until the trailer is completed that way one the our customer can go back through look at that their order number and say okay yeah I see I see this case this case this case um and then once we get down to like our our partial pallet picks we call them case picks um we take detailed pictures of those pallets and then that then that way the customer can go back and say well no I actually I see the cases that are on these pallets so they can they can then go back to their customers and say hey there really isn’t a discrepancy and we could see that um and they can help me mitigate some of those claims and uh lost revenue for them which also in in turn helps us.

That was the outbound side so then going over to the inbound side of of what we do um anytime we have any trailers that come from um some some of our trailers actually come from overseas um where they are manufactured um and they also come um from domestic uh producers as well. Yep so um what we do with the the inbound side of it is if there’s any quality issues um we will take pictures of those pallets and it’s great that we can just check mark that it’s a quality issue and then once we finish finalizing the the load proof the pictures all the information that’s needed yep once we hit save it automatically sends a uh email to the customer saying hey there was a quality issue.

Wow and they can open it up immediately and say okay yep I see what’s going on nice um they already they already know that we’re going to have some damages um and that they know that it’s not on us it’s on the the vendors that are producing the product and sending it to us um so it’s helped us save quite a bit of um discrepancies on on inventory so it’s been it’s been great on on both the inbound and outbound side for that customer um as well as some of the other customers in the building. The other customers that we’ve got um one the majority of what we do for what we use load proof for that one is um like if we ever have any issues with understanding what an item is for our customer yeah we’ll take pictures of those items and say hey what is this is this this item or is it this item and then they can respond because that email automatically gets sent to them they can respond back to us quickly and in a very timely manner and say this is the item this is how it should be received if it’s a bag of 10 is that 10 is that one unit or is that 10 units so those questions we can get answered extremely quickly um and with pictures so it’s been it’s been great for uh the the multiple customers that we have in this building.

Great so how did you guys find out about load proof and you know you when you know how did you know hey you know load proof will solve these problems that we having. Um actually quite a few NFI sites use it um I know when so I started a couple years ago um and about U two years ago I I moved to our travel team so I went to a couple different areas of the country and got to actually go into facilities and help support them help train those um those the NFI employees that are there yep um that was one of the things that the customer was like hey I want I want proof that these loads are going out um correctly and so we started looking into it um and somebody from the NFI side um said hey I’ve heard of this um this app load proof um so we we started looking into it that customer absolutely loved the idea so we started implementing it that’s the first time I saw it.

Okay um but I know of quite a few other sites within NFI that that have it we’ve got over 400 sites across the United States okay so I know of at least 10 that are using using load proof yeah that I’ve been to yeah yeah I think more than 10 we are supporting you know great yeah I just I know I know personally of those so great fantastic so you know what was life you know um without load proof right without before you know you guys implemented load proof how was it like and you know how is it after you know if you could please talk about that change and you know hopefully life is better right I mean you know if you could please talk about yeah yeah yeah it definitely is um I mean like I was talking about with those those discrepancies on the loads on our outbound side we had no way of proving that we sent out what we said we sent out.

Yeah um all we had was a a packing list that we were were verifying by hand um we called those the white glove customers um and we were verifying every single packing list by hand we still do that y um but now we’ve got load proof to go along with it and and the customer can now go to their customer and say hey I’ve got a packing list and I’ve got load I’ve got pictures of the load as it’s going out so it’s it’s a much easier way for instead of us compiling all this data and putting it somewhere into a spreadsheet and then then trying to send it out every day to the customer that would be a huge file this is this is great to where it’s just all one centralized place that the customer can have access to.

Yep um our site has access to it as well the customer I know the customer only has a certain amount of access and that’s that’s great that we can said that we can say okay I want I want one of our leads at our facility to to be able to take pictures and but only take pictures and then maybe this supervisor we can say hey they can take pictures they can adjust things within yep load proof they can add and and take away um uh user roles so um that’s that’s definitely been our our our largest uh part there that that’s been that’s been great for us before and after before it was very painful and now you can just go into load proof find the photos documents and minutes few seconds and then share it with them yep yeah especially the customers are loving it.

Great great great and what are some of the key benefits you know if you could please list the benefits you know um both on the outbound side as well as inbound side what are some of the key benefits um so it’s definitely so for the inbound side um it’s definitely helped us with v um proving vendor damages um because we have a certain percentage of shrink that we are allowed yeah um and without those pictures it was hard for us to go to the customer and say hey these were all damaged by um either the vendor or it was the driver that was driving here so that that’s not on us yeah um before we would it would be difficult to say hey this came in because we weren’t we didn’t have that that load proof to say hey and then that email immediately get sent to the customer before he even unload the truck because before we were taking pictures of it but we were taking pictures of it once it was on the dock and they’re like well you’ve already touched it yep um there’s potential that you damaged it which wasn’t the case but um now that we have load proof we’ve got these tablets we’re able to go outside in the trailers take pictures of all of the the damage cases and damage pallets so it’s it’s definitely helped our shrink numbers.

Okay uh for inventory yeah um and then on the outbound side it’s actually helped our customer um more than it has helped us um just because they can go back and say hey look we got our pictures we can say we actually sent this out um and we actually loaded everything that we said we loaded. Um and if there is an issue on their side we can say hey you can go back to your customers and say no we see it we have proof that this was loaded and this is what went out um we can we can reference our order number and we can say hey go back to this order number and then they can then backtrack and see okay I see these are the pictures that went with that order number so it’s definitely helped on both sides but especially for our customer.

Great great and you know how easy is it to use load proof? Um it’s extremely easy um we’ve actually uh we have um you know I am the operations manager so I train a lot of employees um it took me maybe about an hour to get everybody trained um it was really it was really simple um just a matter of being able to show them how to upload the photos and how to write down the information that’s needed um it doesn’t take long for us to train new employees um we can just throw them on and they can start taking pictures and and getting used to the system. So um that that’s definitely been a huge benefit is that it is user friendly um and it it doesn’t take long to get people acclimated to it.

Fantastic and how has the customer service experience been like with load proof? Um it’s been really good I mean if we ever have any issues um we just we just reach out and they’re they’re usually very quick to respond um and it’s just been really really good experience so we haven’t really had to use it that much but if we do we just reach out and they’re always there to help us.

That’s great to hear! What kind of feedback have you received from your customers using load proof? Um they’ve loved it I mean um we’ve had some pretty large customers that we’ve worked with um and they’re happy that we’re using it because it’s it’s helped them on their side of things and they don’t have to worry about the discrepancies that they were before because they have that proof that we’ve sent it out. So it’s been a great experience for them and they love it.

Fantastic! Is there anything else you would like to add? Um I mean I think that about covers it I mean it’s been a great experience I think that it really helped us um just as a whole and we’ve been able to do a lot more efficiently.

Puga Sankara
Puga Sankara is the co-founder of Smart Gladiator LLC. Smart Gladiator designs, builds, and delivers market-leading mobile technology for retailers, distributors, and 3PL service providers. So far, Smart Gladiator Wearables have been used to ship, receive, and scan more than 50 million boxes. Users love them for the lightweight, easy-to-use soft overlay keyboard and video chatting ability, data collection ability etc. Puga is a supply chain technology professional with more than 17 years of experience in deploying capabilities in the logistics and supply chain domain. His prior roles involved managing complicated mission-critical programs driving revenue numbers, rolling out a multitude of capabilities involving more than a dozen systems, and managing a team of 30 to 50 personnel across multiple disciplines and departments in large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. He has deployed WMS for more than 30 distribution centers in his role as a senior manager with Manhattan Associates. He has also performed process analysis walk-throughs for more than 50 distribution centers for WMS process design and performance analysis review, optimizing processes for better productivity and visibility through the supply chain. Size of these DCs varied from 150,000 to 1.2 million SQFT. Puga Sankara has an MBA from Georgia Tech. He can be reached at [email protected] or visit the company at www.smartgladiator.com. Also follow him at www.pugasankara.com.
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